"I'll be waiting..."

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"Night, Harry." Her eyes sparkled for the last time, before she rest her head on to his chest, arms wrapping around him.

A smile tugged up on his lips as he looked down onto her. Mumbling against her hair, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Sweet dreams, love."

With that, Harry slowly drifted into his sleep, after a day of absolute tiredness, with (Y/n) cuddled up in his arms.


Everything was blue and crystal clear. From the smallest tables, the chairs, to the ceiling above. Soft light spreaded across the room as the atmosphere was filled with the scent of ocean and sand, reminding him of the trip to Malibu.

Taking a good look around, Harry noticed some sparks of colors, coming from behind a door. Curiosity swept him off of his feet, urging him to come and swing the door open. Taking cautious steps toward the golden brown wooden door, the door suddenly opened widely, exposing a beautiful hallway of strong, burning colors.

The walls were decorated with paintings, shades of red could be found everywhere around. Vases of roses and lilies were placed along the hall. His eyebrows scrunched in confusion as he made his way on the soft, velvet carpet of bright orange. At the end of the hallway, there was yet again another door. This time it was way bigger, and a faint pink band of ribbon was the only thing locking the door.

He looked at the sides only to find two tables covered with red velvet cloths, and placed on the table were some poppies. Things kept getting weirder and weirder as he started to get worry while slowly undoing the ribbon. Just at the moment he finished, the door cracked open. And the view was nowhere near what he expected.

If the first room was filled with cold vibes, the hallway was an explosive feeling of heat and warmth, this room had a little bit of both in it, but still had the surprise factor of its own.

Stepping inside, Harry felt some chills going through his body. Looking down, he found himself suddenly in a black tux with a red bow tie. And that wasn't even close to the most surprising thing.

White petals scattered around all over the path, colorful flowers were tied to every chair. The room was significantly humongous. Looking up, he was taken aback by the details of the crystal chandelier hanging from above, and how the glass ceiling was beautifully carved. Turning around, Harry noticed the wall behind was covered with shiny, teal, silk curtains. Gulping, he slowly switched his gaze, to find two sides of blue and orange carpets. He turned around to see a strong combination of red and black, tinted on the wall as a row of flowers lying across the feet of the wall.

Harry didn't recognize he had walked to the end of the path, before feeling a tap on the shoulder. He turned around to see Tom, softly smiling at him. Seeing through Harry's shocked expression, Sam stepped up from behind Tom, and pulled his twin in for a hug. He looked over to Sam's shoulder to see the family sitting in the second row of chairs, his dad smiling proudly at him and his mom wiping some tears from her eyes. Things could not get any weirder, Harry thought to himself as Sam pulled away. They then settled down next to their mom and dad, gesturing him to turn his attention back to the door.

And that was when Harry saw her.

A glorious glow coming from behind the door. A beautiful angel in the body of a girl.

His breath hitched as soon as she stepped a foot inside the room. Almost everything in the room around him disappeared into nothing when he could only set his eyes on (Y/n).

The white gown fit her perfectly, pieces of blue lace wrapping around her, running down to the ground. Locks of her hair fell naturally down on her back, slightly wavering at each step. A vail was covering her face, but not enough to hide away her beautiful eyes as she made her way towards him. A feeling of overwhelm rushed inside his  head after every step of hers, a flush of memories between the two of them struck back. How she would trade everything to bring a smile on his face, how she always be there for him at hard times, how she never stopped loving him with all her heart and neither did he.

There she was, standing there in front of him, looking as gorgeous and breathtaking as ever. Slowly lifting the veil, he let out a sharp breath as her face was fully revealed. He was pulled deep into her eyes, the smile never left his face.

Harry got snapped back to reality when someone yanked on his sleeve. He shook his head, making (Y/n) chuckle, which made him smile even harder. He looked to the side to find Paddy, holding out a velvet box.

Slipping the ring onto (Y/n)'s finger, Harry could feel her gently pull him closer. As their foreheads rested on each other's, she smiled. Her mouth slowly opened and her voice sounded like music to his ears.

"I love you, Harry. Forever and always."

Slowly letting go of his hands, she kept her eyes at him and the smile on her face. Harry suddenly felt everything around him was falling apart, as he startled and tried to reach for her. He yelled out her name, but it got stuck inside his throat and never came out. After the mist, he could still see her smile and hear her whisper.

"I'll be waiting for you..."


"Harry!" (Y/n) yelped, snapping Harry awake. He panicked, looking down to see her wiggling in his arms.

"Mate, I know you love me and all, but you're squishing me to death." She laughed as he flustered, loosening his grip around her.

"Sorry, love." Harry panted a bit before smiling back, pulling (Y/n) close to him as her hair lightly brushed his cheek.

"Nightmare?" She drew some random pattern onto his chest, as he took her hand in his, gently shaking his head.

"Don't worry Harry." After a pause, (Y/n) chuckled. "I will not leave you, ever."

"Really?" He ran his fingers through her hair, as she peeked her head up to meet his eyes.

"Of course. So don't try to kill me in my sleep or I'll come back and haunt you for the rest of your life." Harry let out a laugh, jokingly pushed her away.

"Now go to sleep, dumbass." She quickly snuck into his arms again, head lying on the crook of his neck.

"You love me anyway." He smiled.


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