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(Y/n)'s POV

"Harry?" I looked around to find Harry, only to see a bunch of kids playing around the swings. I got my phone and tried to call him.

"This is Director Holland's phone. Please leave a message."

"Harry. I don't care where the hell you are, but no one abandons their girlfriend at the park!" I yelled into the phone, making other parents look over with a concern look on their faces. "Just get back here, okay?"

After 15 minutes, I got worried since Harry had never left me alone for 5 minutes, and it had been 30 minutes. Nerves started filling up my mind as I stumbled to call Nikki.

"Hey (Y/n), you guys having fun?" Nikki cheerfully greeted me, only to get cut off.

"Hi Nikki, is Harry home yet?" I got up on my feet, got all my camera equipments down and shoved them in my backpack. A tint of panic could be identified in my voice as Nikki tried to calm me down.

"No. I thought he was with you?"

"Shit." I muttered. "He left me sitting on a bench like an idiot for 30 minutes."

"And normally he never leaves an eye on you even for 5 minutes?"

"Exactly." I rushed to the park gate, carefully not to bump into anyone on the way out. "Nikki, should I be worried?"

"Have you tried contacting him?" Nikki calmly asked as I heard her calling for Dom.

"Yes, and he left me on voicemail."

"Harry never does that. At least not to (Y/n)." I heard Dom say from the distance.

"Okay, everyone calm down. I will-" Nikki said, but got interrupted by a call on my phone.

"Hold on a minute, Nikki. It's Harry." I said as I immediately swiped answer. "What the hell Harry? You know how worried I was-"

"Hello, sweet (Y/n)." I heard an usual familiar voice, yet somehow I got disgusted by it.

"How do you get on Harry's phone and who the hell are you?" I said to the phone sternly as I carefully swiped to get Nikki and Dom to hear the conversation as well but without the other guy knowing.

"Oh, love. Long time no hear, and this is how you treat me?" The voice kept making weird noises that I could not comprehend. Trying to remain calm, I demanded again.

"Who the hell are you and how do you you get on my boyfriend's phone?" I heard shuffles on the phone, and before I could do anything, I heard a scream.

A painfully familiar scream.

"(Y/n)! Don't listen to him!"

"Shit! Is that you Harry?" I panicked as I heard his continuous screams in agony. His pant could be heard very well and clear, which meant he was suffering a lot of torturing at that moment. I got flustered for a moment before yelling out.

"What the hell are you doing to my boyfriend, you monster?"

"Oh now he is your boyfriend? I thought you said you would love me forever, no matter what?" The disgusting, filthy voice spoke up, I could sense a devil smirk crept up on his damn face.

"(Y/n), it's Zach! The stalker next door! Don't listen to him!" Harry screamed, only to get cut off by a painful cough of his own. I froze for a split second, trying to figure this whole thing out. And then I heard him being punched again, which probably at his abdomen as he spat out a loud, heartbreaking scream.

"You should never have said that, Holland. Now I have to punch you til death and you don't want that, do you?"

"Please stop. I'll do anything, just don't hurt him." I tried to remain calm, slowly asked him with my softest voice, trying to gain more information from him.

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