Chapter 5

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Ryou woke up early, a smile on his face as he remembered the dream he had the night before of his first date with Bakura one month ago to the day.  He rolled over, looking at the newest jasmine he had placed in a glass of water that Bakura had given him last night.  Smiling wider, Ryou got up, humming as he got ready for the day.  As he walked out into the brilliant sunshine, it seemed that the sun was shining brighter than before.  Continuing his humming, he went about getting his tools and going about his day, placing his floppy hat on his head. 

As Ryou was bent over pulling weeds a while later, he felt an arm snake around his waist.  "Midnight at the fountain, princess.  It's our anniversary."  The gruff voice spoke in Ryou's ear, sending chills down Ryou's spine.   A quick kiss on the neck, and he was gone.  Ryou looked up, smiling at Bakura's back.  Wiping his brow, he bent down, candlelight in his memory as he went back to work.  A hum slipped out of his lips as dark eyes consumed his thoughts.


Seto sat at his desk.  It had been a month since he broke down.  It had been a month since he had let Jonouchi in.  Waking up the next morning in the mutt's arms had been nice...too nice in fact.  Seto had crawled out of the embrace and left quietly.  He wasn't supposed to care about others in a romantic way.  He couldn't.

He had tried to tell Jonouchi this.  But when he saw the mutt's face, Seto couldn't make words form.  He couldn't tell the mutt he never wanted to see him again.  Because it wasn't true.  Seto wanted to see Jonouchi.  He really did.  It hurt somewhere deep in his chest to think he'd never see Jonouchi Seto did what Seto did best.  He ignored the issue and stayed clear of Jonouchi.  He had managed it successfully, until last night.

"Kaiba!  Wait!"  Seto looked around trying to find an escape route.  Unfortunately, all he found was that he was vulnerable, out in the open.  Pinching the bridge of his nose, Seto slowly turned around to face his biggest weakness.

"Yes?"  Seto stated in what he hoped was a calm voice.

Joey looked up at Seto, like a puppy.  "Hey, Kaiba...I know ya been busy...could we dinner together tonight and talk?"  Joey's face was filled with expectation.

", I'm sorry Jonouchi.  I have to work late tonight.  There is talks that a war is coming, and I have to be ready.  Excuse me."  Seto turned abruptly and left, leaving a crushed Joey in his wake.

"I know why your running, Kaiba.  You can't stop these feelings."  Joey said quietly...but Seto still heard.  Seto heard...and couldn't deny the truth in the statement.

Sighing, Seto put his head in his hands.  He had to find a way out of this that wouldn't hurt either of them.  Yes, he had to be celibate, but he didn't need to hurt Joey.  Tapping his fingers on his desk, his eyes stared unseeing out the window of the palace...honey brown eyes haunting his thoughts.


Yugi was laying under a tree, his head in Yami's lap. Yawning, he smiled up at Yami. "Whatcha wanna do today?" His thumb unconsciously rubbed the wedding band on his finger.

Yami smiled down at his angel. "I like this."

Yugi giggled. "I do too, but we can't sit here alone all day. We gotta get up to eat or go to the bathroom at least." Yugi stretched his hand in the air. Yami grabbed it, intertwining their fingers.

Yami frowned playfully. "How come you gotta ruin the moment with something real world-y?" Yami grumbled as Yugi smiled at him.

"Cause I'm hungry! C'mon!" Yugi got up, pulling Yami to his feet. "I know what we can eat." Yami smiled, following Yugi good naturedly. As they passed the Royal Museum, Yami froze. Yugi stopped, turning back to look at Yami. "What is it?" Coming back around Yugi saw a very pale man with teal hair gripping the pyramid.

Yugi remembered the stories that were told over dinner about the pyramid and about how valuable it was to Atem. Yugi also realized that there was something not quite right nor natural about this man. Rushing in, Yugi flew straight at the teal haired man, shocking him into dropping the pyramid as Yugi threw a small lightning bolt at the man. As the lightning singed the man's face he snarled, baring fangs and grabbed Yugi, biting his neck and slinging him with unnatural strength against a wall. The wall cracked where Yugi's head landed and a few of the crumbled rocks skittered to the ground as blood seeped out of the two puncture wounds on Yugi's neck.

"Yugi!" Yami screamed, running over to his beloved, who was unmoving. The teal haired man took the opportunity, grabbing the pyramid, and ran as Yami's voice echoed through the halls, the young prince's screams and sobs heartbreaking to hear.


Atem sat on his throne, staring off into nothingness. The Pharaoh had a problem...a big problem. He was starting to care for the thief. That wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to be falling in lo...he wasn't supposed to be liking the thief. There had been a couple more jobs that Akeifa had required...lewd...payment for. Then...Akeifa just started coming over occasionally in the evening to talk. Atem enjoyed those evenings. Perhaps too much. Sometimes it led to the bed, but did not. Atem enjoyed those evenings just as much. Getting to know the thief, talking about their likes and dislikes...that was...comforting. Sometimes tragically so, like last night...

"I really don't think about them that much anymore. Did you know I wanted to kill you for the longest time?" Akeifa stated, popping a grape in his mouth as he eyed the Pharaoh.

"That doesn't surprise me. I know where you are from, and I know what my Uncle did to you. I can't undo that, and I am sorry. I wish I could." Atem's eyes were sad.

Akeifa shrugged, looking off in the distance. "No need for you to carry that burden. You didn't do it." His eyes grew haunted as the years melted away and he was that scared little boy hiding by the wall. He shivered involuntarily as the sights and sounds of that day came rushing back to him. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking at the hand, he couldn't force himself to look Atem in the eyes.

He felt Atem get off of the bed and go behind, kissing Akeifa's shoulders. "I almost killed you." Akeifa confessed quietly.

Atem said nothing, just kept kissing Akeifa's shoulders. Akeifa turned around, capturing Atem's hands as he pulled Atem into a kiss...a gentle, soul searching kiss. "I don't know what I'm doing." Akeifa confessed as Atem sat there, in shock...but not wanting the thief to leave him.

"I don't, either." Atem admitted. "But...I'm liking this." Atem smiled shyly.

Akeifa smirked. "Me, too." Kissing Atem again, he stood. "Gotta go, Pharaoh."

Atem noticed a guard come in, looking panicked. "My Pharaoh...the's gone and Yugi is badly injured."

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