Chapter 6

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Atem ran towards his son and the Puzzle's empty resting place. Skidding in, Atem's stomach churned violently at the sight. His son, his precious Yami, was holding a bleeding Yugi in his arms, sobbing hysterically, his hands on Yugi's neck, blood oozing from underneath the Prince's small hands. Seto ran in seconds behind Atem as the Head Guard was wise and knew he had many people to get. Bakura had sent Valon to get the Pharaoh, Alistair to get Seto, and Malik to get Akeifa, with strong caution for Malik to not open his mouth if he valued his head to remain on his neck. Malik's instructions were specific. Malik was to go to the hideout, retrieve Akeifa, and have Akeifa wait in the Pharaoh's bedroom. Bakura stood by the door, guarding the scene inside from prying eyes on the outside.

Seto rushed up to Yami. "My Prince, please! You must let me see his wounds if I am to heal him!" Seto looked to Atem who came over, pulling Yami away from Yugi. Yami screamed bloody murder, pushing hands at his father, flailing arms and legs, trying to get to Yugi. Seto looked at Yugi's marks and picked him up quickly. "Bring Yami with us. It will be the only way to keep him calm." Atem nodded, carrying a hysterical Yami, following Seto. Bakura nodded to two guards.

"Keep this room sealed or your fucking balls will be your next meal." The two guards nodded, blocking the room.

Seto led them to his bedroom, laying Yugi quickly on the bed. Atem gave up trying to hold Yami at that point, and set him down. Yami rushed over, grabbing Yugi's pale hands. "Please, don't're my best Aibou. I can't live without you. Please, don't die...angels can't die." Yami sobbed into Yugi's hair.

Seto had quickly made a paste of crushed herbs and placed it on the marks on Yugi's neck. Looking to Atem, he sighed. "My Pharaoh, the next few hours will be critical. You go, get the puzzle back. Leave Yami here with me. I'll take care of him and Yugi. Egypt needs you."

Atem sighed. Nodding, he went over, kissing his son's head and leaving the room quickly. Walking out, he didn't want to think about what he saw. He hoped Seto could hide it before Yami became even more hysterical. Yugi's beautiful wings were slowly turning black and withering away.


As Atem walked out of the room, Bakura approached, bowing. "My Pharaoh, the solution to the problem of the missing puzzle is in your chambers, I believe."

Atem looked at Bakura puzzled, but nodded and headed to his chambers. Walking in, his eyes grew huge at the sight of Akeifa in the room. Whirling on Bakura, eyes narrowing, Atem's voice came out strained. "The meaning of this?" His guilty conscience was making his mind work in overdrive, trying to sort out the mess. How Bakura could have figured out that Akeifa and I were... No, Akeifa would never have told him! Unless...did Akeifa steal the Puzzle? Akeifa is a thief after all...but if that was the case, why would he give the Puzzle to me at all? Atem refused to believe that Akeifa felt nothing for him. Atem refused to believe that Akeifa was using him for some nefarious plans. Atem refused to believe that Akeifa was evil.

Bakura looked at Atem, face revealing nothing. "My brother is a master thief. If anyone can find the Puzzle, it is him." Bakura bowed, leaving. He had other things to do than play private tutor for the fucking Pharaoh, for Ra's sake!

Atem turned to Akeifa as the door closed. Akeifa's face was serious. "I will go out and do reconnaissance. I will be back as soon as I have more information and a plan. I will be back tonight." Akeifa disappeared as Atem nodded his head in approval.


Several hours passed at what seemed to be a snail's pace to Atem. After dealing with the affairs of the kingdom, Atem had went back to Seto's room and sat. Yami was asleep on the bed with Yugi, his hands intertwined with the fallen angel's delicate fingers. Neither had woken in at least two hours. Atem strongly suspected that Seto had given Yami a sedative, and Atem was thankful for that. Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door. Seto went for it as Atem held up his hand, stopping Seto. Atem went to the door, cracking it open. Upon seeing no one out there, Atem whispered to Seto, "I need to check on the status of the Pyramid." Seto nodded as Atem scurried out and back to his chambers. Walking in, Atem saw Akeifa sitting on the bed. Atem rushed over, eyes looking at Akeifa questioningly.

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