Chapter 12

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Yami looked at his servants.  "Do I look appropriate?"  Several eyes darted over Yami's body, critically eyeing the Pharaoh, searching for any imperfections.  Seeing none, Seto stepped forward as the morning sun shone in the window.

"My Pharaoh, you look impeccable.  Are you ready to be presented?"  Seto was calm on the outside, but the inside was a jumble of nerves.  He was never able to find Joey last night.  He, needed to see Joey.  No one had reported of any deaths, but then...would a Slayer leave a body...for that matter, would a vampire?  Or would they turn to ash like the popular ghost stories portrayed?

"Yes.  Where is my father?"  Yami asked, jerking Seto out of his thoughts, the crimson eyed pharaoh studying the High Priest.

"His guard is with him, preparing him for the ceremony.  They are to come here first, so they may join the proc..."  Seto announced as there was a knock on the door.  Going over to it, he opened the door.  Standing in the door was Atem, decked out in his beautiful golden armor, Akeifa standing guard behind him.  Seto's eyes flickered to the taller male.  "The armor is acceptable.  Any weak spots?"  Seto asked after the two had entered and the door was shut firmly behind them.

Akeifa nodded grumpily, pointing out the chink in the neck armor.  Seto nodded as Atem huffed.  "I'm not a child.  I think I can remember not to turn my head."  He crossed his arms, metal clunking against each other.  Akeifa frowned at Atem.  Yami walked over to Atem, hugging him.

"I love you.  I want you safe.  Thank you for wearing the armor Daddy."  The small term of endearment didn't go unnoticed by Atem, Seto, or Akeifa.  Hugging his son back, Atem smiled softly.

Seto went to the door.  "We are ready.  My Pharaoh?"  Seto asked, turning to look at the young crimson eyed man.  Nodding, Yami got in position, his attendants taking their positions.  As they headed out, guards got in positions around them, protecting the procession as they headed to the balcony.  Seto's eyes scoured around him, trying desperately to find the honey eyed vampire who consumed his thoughts.


"Everyone know their positions?"  The tall, lean man asked, running his hand through his short brown hair.  Nodding, the four other figures looked at each other.  "Everyone know their marks?"  More nods.  Honda didn't feel comfortable with nods.  "Weevil?"

The green haired man pushed his spectacles up on his nose.  "Yugi."  Nodding, Honda turned to the next.  "Alistair?"

A smirk graced the slim brunette's face.  "Atem."  His short brunette hair bobbed as he pulled his veil up over his face.

Turning his attention to the third, Honda raised an eyebrow.  "Mai?"  Flipping her golden hair, she smirked.  "I got Seto, hon...don't worry."  

"Seto doesn't like girls."  Blue eyes rolled.  "And before you say anything, Honda, I know, I know...I got Ryou."  Valon shook his head, frustrated with the overly cautious leader.

Honda nodded.  "Good.  Now, as long as Gozaburo is doing what he is supposed to be doing, we should be all set.  Head on out."

Nodding, veils covered their faces as the four went to intermingle with the crowd. The group members had left nothing to chance, wearing loose fitting clothing over their tight slayer outfits, hiding the sex of the wearer so the veils did not look out of place.  Mingling with the crowd, each slayer went into position, awaiting their sign.


Joey stood on the edge of the grounds, directly opposite Bakura.  With his keen eyesight, he could see most people without an issue.  Catching Bakura's eye, he nodded, assuring  Bakura that all was well.  A curt nod was all he received in return.  Suddenly, the grounds became quiet as the music flared, announcing the Pharaoh.  As all eyes looked up at the balcony, the sight was truly one to behold.  Yami stood there in his shendyt, crown, and jewelry, looking every bit the regal Pharaoh.  Sunlight glinted off of the jewelry, leaving a sheen around Yami.  Seto stood back a bit, as did Atem, Mahad, Mana, Akeifa, Malik and some other guards.  Swallowing hard, Joey had to admit that Seto looked very handsome in his dress robes up on the balcony.

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