Chapter 15

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Otogi walked out of the room.  Holding the still bloodied dagger in front of him, Otogi nodded at something unseen.  Gozaburo walked out of the shadows, holding the pyramid in his hands.  Otogi held the dagger at the top of the pyramid, letring Ryou's blood flow and be sucked into the pyramid.  A pale glow started emanating from the pyramid.  Nodding, Otogi smirked as Gozaburo melted back into the shadows with the pyramid.  Otogi headed off to the next room...


Seto's cerulean eyes opened slowly, pain lancing his temples.  He didn't really remember much of what had happened.  His brain was foggy.  Looking around, he saw Joey above him.

"W...what happened?"  Seto croaked out, his throat raw.

"I don't really know.  Otogi bit Akeifa, siring him."  Joey stated, like that should explain everything.

Seto frowned.  "So?"  Seto asked, prodding Joey forward.

Joey bit his lip.  "Well, Akeifa bit Bakura one night, before he could control himself...turning Bakura.  Bakura bit me a few days later."  Joey explained, smoothing Seto's hair down.

"That's not what I meant.  I meant what happened to get us here.  But, since you offered...Bakura bit you because he couldn't control himself?  Seto inquired.

"Nah, just cause he's a dick."  Joey shrugged.

Seto barked out a short laugh.  Joey grinned.  "I really love your laugh."  Joey admitted softly.

Seto's normally stoic face softened.  "Joey...I don't know what's going to happen, but I don't feel that anything good is at the end of this night.  So...I, tell you.  I love you Jonouchi...More than anything else."  Reaching up, Seto brushed Joey's cheek.

Joey face split into a smile.  "That's all I ever wanted to hear you say.  I love you, too, Seto."  Leaning down, he gently kissed Seto's lips.

"Now listen carefully, because you won't hear this again, but...I am sorry I was so stupid and stubborn and wasted so much time."  Seto stated, eyes lowering, after he pulled back for air that the undead didn't need.  Joey smiled, chuckling.  Opening his mouth to speak, he was interrupted by slow clapping.

"That is just...beautiful."  Otogi stepped from the shadows, clapping slowly.  Wiping a fake tear from his cheek, Otogi leered at the two sitting on the floor.

"What the hell you want?"  Joey grumbled,  holding Seto protectively.

Otogi smirked.  "Do you want to know a secret?"  Otogi whispered, fake seriousness on his face as he leaned closer to Joey.  "You are the one I want most.  A guardian of the puzzle?  Why, you are already embued with to be able to feed from you..."  Otogi leaned back, licking his lips slowly, deliberately, as if he had just eaten the most delectable thing on Earth.

"You aren't going to touch me, or Seto."  Joey growled, his eyes bleeding more crimson.

"Well, you are half right."  Otogi sneered, reaching over and grabbing Seto around the waist.  As Joey grabbed onto Seto, Otogi easily pulled him free.

"What the hell did you do to me?"  Joey growled, angry at his weakness.

"Ohhh, just a magical concoction to keep you weak.  See, I don't have to touch you to feed from you.  Since I have some of your essence with me, I will feed off your emotions...that's what keeps me young...and you are a big ball of emotions..."  Smirking, Otogi laid Seto down on the bed.

Joey stood on wobbly legs, stumbling to the bed.  Otogi snapped his fingers and hands appeared from the shadows as two large men appeared,  gripping Joey by the shoulders tightly.  "I want to make sure you can see this."  Otogi explained, smiling fiendishly.  As he pulled out the pewter blade with the evil purple glow, Seto threw all the weight he had to his right, rolling off the bed.

"Aww, this is's always more fun when they fight."  Otogi chuckled, walking around the bed.  As Seto scooted away, looking around for a weapon,  Otogi rounded the bed.  As he leaned over Seto, he slammed Seto's head into the ground, dazing him.  Taking out the dagger, Orogi slid the blade down Seto's cheek slowly.

"Isn't it sad...he can't save you?"  Otogi whispered, looking at Seto.  "I know he wants to, I can feel his yearning."  Otog's face held a look of pity that was impossible to tell if it was fake or genuine. 

Seto glared at Otogi.  I am not playing into this psychopath's delusions.  "What is really sad is that it is Joey's fault you are in this position...if he wouldn't have loved you, you wouldn't have to be sacrificed."  Otogi whispered, smirking widely at the emotions swirling inside Joey.  Joey jerked against the arms...unmoving, he sagged under the despair consuming him.  "Now, because he loves you, you are destined to die, find each other, love each other, and then, you, my friend, will have to die...again, and again, and again..."  Otogi continued, his eyes burning with a ferocity almost feral in nature.  "And poor Joey will have to live it again, and again, and again."

"Jonouchi, do not buy into this idiot's delusions.  It is no one's fault but his that we are in this predicament."  Seto responded dryly, knowing in his heart that Joey would blame himself because Joey was that good of a guy, always taking the blame, even when it wasn't his to bear.

"Well, I fully admit that I helped this along...I mean, had I not allowed Serenity to bleed out and die in childbirth, you two might not have gotten as close..."  Otogi mused, eyes taking on a distant look as he remembered the past.

Joey growled, digging in deep and finding some strength he didn't know he had and lunged at Otogi with the mention of his dead sister.  The goons holding Joey were surprised at the action, and since they had grown slightly complacent, they weren't holding him as tightly as they should have.  As Joey landed on Otogi he fiercely bit at Otogi's neck.  Otogi fell forward and dodged the attack.

Immediately Joey stopped, frozen with the impossibility that just happened as he heard the dagger embed in the flesh, knicking bone, the scent of fresh human blood hitting his nostrils.  Looking in horror, he watched as Otogi got up.  Blood was on Otogi, the dagger embedded deep in Seto's chest, a shocked and pained look on the priest's face.

"Thanks."  Otogi grinned, getting up and pulling out the dagger.  "Oh, this is rich...this will help."  Licking the blade slightly, he smirked.  "Enjoy these last few moments....and, don't try to turn won't work...the blade prevents it."  Smirking, Otogi and his lackeys walked out.  As the door shut, Gozaburo appeared, and Otogi fed the pyramid again, making it glow brighter.

Back in the room, Joey rushed over, tears in his eyes.  "Seto, I am so, so sorry."  Trying to stop the bleeding, Joey saw the ashen color already creeping up Seto's neck.

"'s not...your fault."  Seto struggled, the pain intense in his chest, a coolness coming over his fingers.

"Yes it is...I fell right into his trap!"  Joey exclaimed, anguish in his voice.

"You...idiot...he was to kill, and h...he did.  I...if he w...wouldn't have had..."  Seto coughed, blood bubbling onto his chin, the cold creeping up his legs and arms, "the, I wouldn't... die."  Seto's bright blue eyes were fading to a dull grey blue. 

"Seto...I will find you, and I will save you from Otogi...I promise.  I never loved anyone like I love you.  There won't be anyone else but you, ever."  Tears slipped from Joey's eyes as he bent down, kissing Seto's lips gently.

"Jo..."  Seto coughed, more blood spilling out the corner of his mouth.  ", pup..."  As Seto's eyes closed, Joey felt the spirit leave his love's body.  Holding onto Seto's lifeless shell, Joey wept.

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