Chapter 13

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W...what just happened??  Chocolate eyes opened, looking around the dimly lit room.  Sighing in relief, he saw that Bakura, Joey, Seto, Atem, Yugi and Akeifa were all there.  Instantly he felt regret at feeling that relief.  That also meant that they were in danger, and here he was, selfishly feeling relief that he wasn't alone.  Looking closer, he saw that he, Seto, Yugi, and Atem were all bound to chairs while Bakura, Joey, and Akeifa were all cuffed to the wall, their wrists and legs red and raw where the silver chains held them.

Suddenly, a quiet thump attracted Ryou's attention.  Looking to where the sound came from, Ryou saw a door, and shadows on the floor on the other side of the door.  As the door slowly opened, Ryou gulped in relief at the figure standing there.  "Otogi!"  Ryou whispered at seeing the dark haired male walk quickly and quietly in the room.  "Over here!"

The emerald eyes locked on Ryou.  Nodding, Otogi came over, quickly kneeling in front of Ryou, eyeing the white haired man critically.  "Thank Ra!  How did you find us so quickly?"

"I'm a tracker, remember?"  Otogi said, shaking his head.

Ryou smiled a bit, chuckling nervously at his memory lapse.  "Oh...o...of course."  He smiled gratefully as Otogi stood.  When Otogi didn't immediately release Ryou, Ryou looked up quizzically.  "What's the plan?"  He whispered.

"We have to wait for the others to wake up."  Otogi said rather nonchalantly.

"Why?  Cant we just wake them up?"  Ryou asked, confused.

"Of course not."  Otogi said imperiously.  "Where would the fun be in that?"  A malicious gleam permeated from his eyes as he smiled fiendishly, a stone of ice cold fear landing in the pit of Ryou's stomach.

Bakura raised his head, a dull throb at the base of his neck. Looking around, he saw Joey and Akeifa chained to the wall. Hissing in pain as he moved his arms he realized he was being held to the wall by silver.

"Fucking hades?  What the cocksucking camelshit is this?"  Bakura growled as Joey and Akeifa started stirring as well.  Looking around, he saw Seto, Atem, Yugi, and Ryou tied to chairs.  Looking over, catching Ryou's eye, he whispered, "You okay?"

"Of course he is..."  Otogi's voice cut through the darkness.  Torches roared to life, illuminating the room.  As the others slowly started rousing, either because of Bakura's outburst, the noise in general, or the light, Otogi walked more in front of the vampires chained to the wall.  "Howdy boys..."  Bakura glared at the man.  He remembered him from sniffing around Ryou's house and the baby.

Akeifa froze at hearing the voice.  " bastard."  Venom laced Akeifa's voice as he glared at Otogi.  "How did you find us?"  Joey and Bakura stared in confusion at the exchange between the two men.

"Now, now...that isn't a nice way to welcome an old friend.  Where are your manners?"  Otogi asked. 

"Who the fuck is this guy?"  Joey asked, looking over at Seto to make sure he wasn't hurt.  Seto was still dazed, but he caught Joey's eye and nodded that he was okay.

Otogi's face showed mock hurt.  "I am hurt.  Hurt and appalled.  You never told them about your sire?"


Colors blazed in and out from the other side of Yami's eyelids.  As his body screamed in protest, white hot fire coursing through his veins, Yami tried to just ... breathe.  As the panic subsided with the pain, he realized that he was outside, laying down, being taken somewhere.  Too weak to fight or even consider escaping, he wasn't tied down or held by any means.  That allowed him to get an arm under him and lean up on an elbow.  Opening his eyes, he took in a sharp intake of breath.  He was outside, it was evening, and everything was focus.

Leaning up a bit more in the back of the wagon he was laying in, he watched the scenery fly by.  He could see the chunk of brick missing from the house as they sped by.  He could see the mosquito fly by backwards.  The stars...they were so bright...and how could they not move at all as he did?  The specks of dust floated by, being kicked up by the horse hooves.  he saw it all...

"I'm sorry, my Pharaoh, for not being able to protect you."  A sorrowful voice said beside sounded like Yugi!  Looking around, Yami one.  Shaking his head, Yami sat up further, looking around.  He was indeed in the back of a wagon, a man driving it, a cloaked figure next to the driver.  However, he didn't see anyone else in the wagon.  Staring in confusion, he looked all around, under the blankets and bags in the back of the wagon, but there was nothing...and no one.

Sitting back down, suddenly dizzy and weak, Yami closed his eyes.  He took in a deep breath...but it didn't really help him feel better.  He tried holding his breath, waiting for the buzz from the lack of oxygen to tingle through him, for his heart to beat hard in his ears, begging him to breathe...but the buzz...and the beating...never came.  Eyes flying open, Yami put his hands over his heart, trying to find the beat that no longer existed.


The room was silent.  Akeifa glared daggers at the raven haired man as other men came out of the shadows.  Otogi was Akeifa's sire?  Otogi was to blame for all of this?    But...why?   How?   Joey jerked his head up and looked over at Bakura.  Bakura glowered silently.  He had forgiven his brother...but he could never forgive Otogi now...and knowing Otogi was the one who did this to his brother...he would kill Otogi one day.

Strutting around the room, Otogi started barking out orders.  The men that came out of nowhere grabbed the vampires, putting a silver collar around their necks before releasing the shackles of the undead.  The vampires fought...and hard..., or at least as hard as they could.  But the silver was able to weaken them enough, combined with...something else...  Bakura growled, trying to figure out why he couldn't fight off these two measly men.  Seeing Ryou being lifted up, handcuffed, and tossed over a shoulder, Bakura tried harder to escape, but couldn't.  Growling in frustration, he kicked at his captors.  The men carried him down a hall and shoved him into a room.  He turned, ready to fight as Ryou was tossed in, hitting his head on the ground, a low moan escaping the male's throat.  Bakura's attention was immediately drawn to Ryou, giving the men enough time to shut the door.  Leaning down, Bakura picked Ryou up gently, laying him on the bed.  It took a bit, since he still had the shackles on, and the collar, but Bakura was able to do it.  Ryou's eyes were closed, his breathing regular.  Bakura crawled up on the bed and lay next to Ryou, waiting for the other man to waken.


Joey fought hard as well, but he felt weak as a kitten.  Struggling, he received a sharp slap across the face, his tooth cutting the inside of his jaw.  Spatting out the blood, a dark, black viscous substance, he hissed.  He saw a couple of guys grab Seto.  "Don't you fucking hurt him!"  Joey yelled at the men, who looked less than impressed.  Seto still looked dazed, and not fully comprehending what was happening.  When the door was opened and he was shoved inside, Seto tossed in as well, Joey rushed over as the door shut.  Sitting down cross legged, he put Seto's head in his lap.  Joey smoothed the brunette hair down, looking over the man for any wounds.  Seeing none, he just smoothed the priest's face, waiting for him to wake up fully.


Akeifa knew better than to fight right now.  If Otogi was here, then magic was as well.  Standing and being led, he saw them grab Atem and carry him as well, still unconscious.  Letting out a sigh, Akeifa frowned.  He didn't know what was coming next, but he didn't like it.  When he was deposited in a room and it was just him and Atem, he was wary...but he rushed over, checking over his love.  Violet eyes opening, Atem smiled.  "You're okay." Atem whispered, voice gravelly.  Smiling tenderly back at his lover, Akeifa leaned over, kissing the other male into silence.  He didn't know what was going to happen, but he would protect Atem at all costs.


"So what's the plan?"  Gozaburo asked, his huge, hulking form shoved into a small chair.  Looking around the room at the ten or so other figures in the room, no one said anything.  Instead, all eyes turned to the chair up front, where the figure shrouded in shadows sat, silent.

"We wait.  We wait for him to be here.  Then the fun begins..."  The voice said, slithering over the blackness, like a cobra moving through the darkness, coiling, and ready to strike.

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