Me: happy 4th of july everyone! Hope you are all having a happy 4th of july today! Thank you all so much for reading and voting on my stories! Keep requesting who you want and I will-
Jacqui: *faceplams*
Raiden: *appears* what is going on here!?
Everyone except Johnny: nothing!
Kenshi: I sense a holiday here
Me: the 4th of july
Kenshi: I need someone to spend the night watching fireworks
Sonya Cassie Raiden Jacqui and Johnny: *look at Aria*
Me: w-why is everyone looking at me like that?
Jacqui: come on girlfriend you know you want that-
Me: JACQUI!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jacqui: *starts laughing*
Johnny: come on Aria you know you had a crush on him for a long time *leans on your shoulder*
Me: shut up cage! *slaps him*
Sonya and Cassie: FINALLY!!!!!!!!!
Me: what?
Sonya and Cassie: *both hug her*
Me: *stares blankly*
Cassie: thank you so much for slapping my dad!
Sonya: I thank you as well for that
Me: your welcome
Johnny: MY HAIR!!!! MY HAIR IS RUINED!!!!!!! *runs to the bathroom*Everyone: *faceplam*
Kenshi: Aria will you be that someone?
Me: are you tricking me Kenshi?
Kenshi: no I'm not if I did then would I do this? *gently pulls you in and kisses you*
Me: *blushing 50 shades of crimson red but melts into it and kisses back*
Everyone except Johnny: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww
Kenshi: *pulls away* what do you say beautiful? *caresses your cheek
Cassie: say yes!
Jacqui: go for it
Sonya: *nods*
Raiden: go ahead *disappears*
Johnny: *comes back*
Me: yes I will be that someone
Kenshi: *kisses her again*
Everyone: *cheering* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Kenshi: *pulls away* finish up with your announcement then
Me: as I was saying before cage, hope you have a happy 4th of july and remember that if you want me to do a request just pm me and I will try my best to make it happen
Everyone: HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE AND PEACE OUT OUR PEEPS!! ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌😉😉😉😉😉😉😜😜😜😜😜😝😝😝😝😛😛😛😛😙😙😙😙😙😙😙

Mortal Kombat X Lemons (REQUESTS STILL ON HOLD)
RomanceHey guys! the title says it all just give me requests and I'll try my best to make it happen. Enjoy!