Kenshi X Aria

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Kenshi: babe? Please hear me out
Me: what do you want?
Kenshi: that request earlier
Me: *crosses arms and looks away*
Kenshi; *lightly grabs her chin and makes her look at me* babe you know you're my only one
Me: *stays silent*
Kenshi: *kisses her passionately*
Me: *blushes and kisses back*
Kenshi: you're my only one and you know that
Me: *sniffs and smiles jumping into his arms hugging him tight*
Kenshi: *smiles and hugs back knowing he got me back*
Me: hey babe what's with that smile?
Kenshi: it's lemon time love
Me: oh yeah! *smiles* how many requests are there?
Kenshi: they are through the roof *shows her*
Me: alrighty the-
Kenshi: *kisses her quick* let's start?
Me: *clears throat* yes. Do you want to announce it this time?
Kenshi: I've been waiting since day one
Me: go on
Kenshi: *smiles and holds her hand* LET THE LEMON BEGIN!!!
It was a sunny Saturday in earthrealm and Aria was getting ready for a volleyball tournament. (Ok let me put this out there yes I had a volleyball game in real life a month ago so I will be basing this off of real life events that happened with a slight twist). She had woken up a few hours ago before Kenshi did and was now in the bathroom tying her hair into a high ponytail dressed in a pair of navy blue jeans, a black off the shoulders top, a red short sleeved unbuttoned flannel over it and a pair of purple air force sneakers. Once she was done she went to their shared bedroom and began to pack her duffel bag with her uniform, knee pads, some snacks in case she got hungry, her portable charger and regular charger and her favorite water bottle (one I got on Christmas Eve from my mom's friend which is colored piggy bank pink. Not a color ik but heck XD) with ice cold water in it. "Ok I got everything. Op almost forgot" She spoke as she walked to the other side of the bed to wake him up. "Babe, babe wake up my tournament is today" She whispered as she gently shook him. "What? Oh yeah I almost forgot" He replied as he woke up. "Does it have to be this early?" "Sadly yes. I hate it too but I gotta go play" (The game was at around 10 or so but with travel time working against me it was hella early) "alright I'm up" He said sitting up. He then admired her body by looking her up and down thinking of things he shouldn't. (Yes ik he's blind and has blue eyes but just for this scenario he's gonna have regular human eyes. Yes he still has his telepathic powers but he's a regular human) "babe what are you thinking?" She asked him already knowing what he was thinking. "Oh nothing love. You just look flawless in that outfit like always" He replied smiling. She then shook her head in a playful way and walked over to the dresser to get her phone, keys, and flexible Bluetooth headphones. "Well you better get ready fast because trains are kinda slow today" She said as he got up and hugged her from behind wrapping his arms around her waist with his chin on her head since he was slightly taller than her. "Alright alright Ms flawless" "Quickly mr snooze-a-lots" She spoke making them both giggle as he walked to the bathroom to do his morning routine. Aria went to make the bed then slung her Bluetooth headphones around her neck and went on her phone to write down lyrics for some of her songs. (I like to write music if I'm ever stressed or just for fun)

(Le time skip brought to you by Kenshi smothering me with cuddles because he thinks I work too hard in school with studying and train too much in volleyball)

Once Kenshi was done he walked back to the bedroom dressed in a pair of black jeans, white shirt, and blue short sleeved unbuttoned flannel over it with a pair of white Nike Air Forces on (Sorry I'm kinda addicted to flannels lol XD). "You ready babe?" She asked with out looking up from her phone as he replied "Of course my love". As she looked up she got a bit flustered when she saw that his abs were slightly visible through his shirt. "Well let's go then" She said as she got up and put her keys in her duffel, slung it over her shoulder and handed Kenshi his phone and Bluetooth headphones while they began their way to the train station. (Oml I'm matching almost everything we have. The only difference is my stuff is a bit more feminine colored and his is well... masculine).

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