Happy Fourth of July!!!!!

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Me: hello my gems!! Since today is the 4th of July I wanted you wish you all a happy holiday and be sure to-
Johnny: hm?
Me: *knocks him out with one kick to the head*
Everyone: *cheers*
Sonya and Cassie: *hugs you tight*
Me: thank you thank you *bows* anyways like I was saying BC interrupted......BC means before cage for those who don't get he joke... I would like to wish you all a happy 4th of July!!!!! Make sure to eat plenty of food, spend time with your family, and enjoy the fireworks! Also if you guys need anything I'll always be here to talk or listen to what you all have on your minds or to whatever bothers you 😇😇
Kenshi: Aria can I please announce it!?
Me: *sighs* fine. Only because its the holidays
Kenshi: YAY!! That's why I love you baby *gently kisses you*
Everyone else: aaaaaaawwwww
Me: *face palms as I blush*
Kenshi: *clears throat* dear readers please please PLEASE make this woman do a chapter about me and her!!!! I've been dying for her to do it but she keeps putting it off! All you have to do is comment down below this chapter #kenshi_and_aria for her to do it if you already haven't! Please make the number of comments higher than 10 so she can do it!
Takeda: please do it. My dad is very desperate!!!
Me: *laughs*
Jacqui: so is his mother *grins*
Me: JACQUI!!!!!
Cassie: you'll pay for that you two *glares at them*
Takeda and Jacqui: *scared to death*
Me: ease up Cass
Cassie: fine
Takeda: love you mom! *hugs you tight*
Me: I love you too son *hugs back*
Kenshi: son and mother moment
Jacqui: how adorable
Me: Cass you can start now
Cassie: finally! *cracks nukles*
Jacqui and Takeda: *both run away*
Me: I'll do something about it in a bit. Besides that are you done yet?
Kenshi: yes baby
Me: alright. If you guys really want to see a chapter about me and him comment down below like he said if you haven't and if we can reach over 10 comments it will be done
Jacqui: I want to see it happen too!
Takeda: alright just this once
Cassie: you can make it possible readers!
Kung Jin: let's make it happen!
Sonya: let's go readers make it possible!
Johnny: LET'S DO IT READERS!!!! *passes out again from the kick*
Raiden: you can do it readers!
Jax: let's go readers! 
Me: well the Kombatnants are all encouraging you guys to do it
Kenshi: so am I *kisses you again*
Everyone: aaaaawwwww!!!!!!
Kenshi: *smiles*
Me: anyways like I said have a safe and happy 4th of July, comment down below if you want the chapter and I'll always be here if any of my gems need me!
Me: Till next time and PEACE OUT MY PEEPS!!!!!!! 😀😀😃😃😄😄😁😁😆😆😂😂🤣🤣😊😊😇😇🙂🙂😉😉😍😍😘😘😗😗😙😙😚😚😋😋😜😜😝😝😛😛🤗🤗😏😏👍👍✌✌👌👌❤❤❤❤💛💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💙💙💙💙💜💜💜💜💜

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