Hello my gems. I know I haven't updated since August but school has started on September 5th, my grandparents are living with my family for a visit, I got a complex schedule etc. I'm a bit stressed at the moment because of it all and it's causing me to be unable to update. I apologize to all of you because I know how patient you all are on my chapters and I thank you all for that but I'm still adjusting to my schedule. I get up at 6 or 7am to get ready and leave for school, classes start at 8:30 am and classes end at 2pm on Monday's, 2:55 on Wednesday's and Fridays, and 3:45 on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Plus it takes me 40 min to an hour to get to and from school (I go to and from school on train since it's in Manhattan and I'm in Brooklyn. Don't ask it's a story for another time) and I get home between 3 to 5 pm depending on the day and have to do hours of homework. Plus I'm going to join the volleyball team as well and will have practice interrupt a small portion. However this won't stop me from writing. I still have a passion to write so I will continue to update as accordingly but it might be slower than before. Since it takes me 40 min to 1 hour to get to and from school I will write chapters on the train and then edit them while I go home to determine if I push out the chapter that exact day or hold on to it for a few more days. If my schedule changes again then I will give up a few hours or so of sleep just to update for all of you my gems. However, if I do not update for weeks to months please don't worry or be alerted, it will just mean that the chapters are being done and will be released very soon when I can. But other than that thank you all for taking the time to read this update. I'll see you all in the next update! Till next time and PEACE OUT MY PEEPS!!! 😀😃😄😁😆😂🤣😊😇🙂😉😍😘😗😙😚😋😜😝😛🤗🤓😏❤💛💚💙💜

Mortal Kombat X Lemons (REQUESTS STILL ON HOLD)
RomanceHey guys! the title says it all just give me requests and I'll try my best to make it happen. Enjoy!