Requested by n00b5aib0t
Me: *checks request and doesn't move*
Kenshi: love what's the matter? *gently grips her shoulder*
Me: *takes his hand off and flips him over* don't you dare talk to me again *drops my phone and runs away*
Kenshi: what? *checks phone* oh shit
Johnny: *sees a/n run away and goes to kenshi* what's up with her? And how did you end up down there?
Kenshi: *gets up and shows him the request*
Johnny: oh damn
Kenshi: she was the only one I ever loved
Johnny: hey everything will turn out fine. I'll help you get her back
Kenshi: really?
Johnny: *nods* I swear on it
Kenshi: thanks
Johnny: anytime *gives a signature smirk*
"Kenshi is it true?" "Is what true?" "Are your nuts truly numb?" Both spoke as they were about to spar in one of the training rooms at special forces HQ. (Hold up *checks number of training rooms with Sonya* curse my mind fuckery X3) However they stood there in silence because of the fact that Johnny was lost in thought. Kenshi noticed this and read his mind. "Damn I can't stop thinking about her" Kenshi read. He knew exactly who Johnny was thinking about and decided to play a prank on him. "Well since Airina is SINGLE I guess I'll ASK HER OUT AFTER TRAINING!" This made Johnny snap out of his thoughts and attempt to attack kenshi. As Johnny was about to perform a combo Kenshi simply stepped to the side and stuck out his right leg causing him to trip and fall flat on his face. "And that's why you never daydream on your opponents Johnny." As Johnny stood up he fixed his hair before replying in a slightly angry tone "I wasn't daydreaming". Kenshi chuckled as a bit.However both of the men soon stared at the person who came into the room. Airina. She was dressed in her black and white knee length kimono which meant she was preparing to train or go on a mission. (You can choose) She tied her black hair into a high ponytail leaving some of it out covering one of her lovely red eyes. Her hair fell gracefully on her right eye without her even trying. Johnny and Kenshi couldn't help but stare at her. In their eyes (time out *checks on kenshi* never mind XD. YOU'RE UP KEANU! If you get the reference comment down below!) in every way. While both were daydreaming at the same time Airina decided that now would be a perfect moment to pull a small prank on them. As she was tying the shoe laces of her knee length combat boots she took a shurinken out of it and threw it to the wall behind Johnny and Kenshi making them flinch. "MY HAIR!!!" Johnny screamed as he tried to perfect it believing that it had split his hair. Kenshi just snapped out of his thoughts and realized what happened.
"And that's why you never daydream on your unknown enemy boys" Airina said between small laughs. "H-Hello Airina. H-How are you t-today?" Kenshi stuttered a bit. (If he was here in real life and not a video game I don't think he would stutter around a person he likes like this. But hey! Welcome to Wattpad! The place you can write whatever crazy thing you want and it's a true thing XD) Airina noticed how he stuttered but decided to play along. "I'm doing alright. Thanks for asking. And you?" She spoke in a slightly flirtatious tone. "I'm alright" Kenshi responded trying to sound calm. Johnny soon tried to flirt with her (one more thing. If he's a big flirt in the game I'm pretty sure that in real life he'd probably be Tony Stark's brother.... Or twin. Or he might be Johnny Bravo XD. COMMENT DOWN BELOW #2000's_baby IF YOU GREW UP WITH BOOMERANG, CARTOON NETWORK, AND NICKELODEON!!)
However he failed. "Sorry Mr. Cage but you don't need to be flirty to attract your crushes or use your ego either." (OOH!!! SHE CALLED HIM OUT!!! XD ok let me stop)) she said leaving him standing there dumbfounded. She chuckled a bit as she made her left hand glow with a dark energy since she controlled light and darkness. "Who wants to spar?" She said while her back was facing them. Neither of the men said a peep for a few minutes which caused an awkward silence between the three of them.
"Um actually, I have something to tell you" Kenshi spoke in a slightly nervous tone. Airina dismissed the energy ball from her hand and turned around. "Oh? What may that be Mr. Takahashi?" She replied in a curious tone. Kenshi took a deep breath before confessing "Well you see we've known each other for a while and I had developed a crush on you" Airina stood there a bit shocked but at the same time happy. Before she was able to say anything Johnny spoke out in a slightly nervous tone "I also have developed a crush on you too. I mean how could anyone not fall for a gorgeous angel from above?" Airina blushed at this and stood in silence mainly because she also liked the both of them back at the same time but knew she could only pick one. She took a deep breath before replying and stuttering a bit "I... I don't really know how to feel. I like the both of you too...but.. " She trailed off as kenshi began to respond "you don't have to pick" "He's right. If you would like you can date us at the same time" Johnny spoke as Airina began to smile showing her angelic smile. "R-really? You guys would do that for me?" Both Johnny and Kenshi nodded in agreement. "Anything to be with a gorgeous angel like yourself" Johnny replied while wiggling his eye brows. "Of course" Kenshi responded. Airina then ran to them and jumped into their arms hugging them tightly in a hug and kissed them both gently on the lips. "I love you both" "We love you too" All three of them spoke before heading to the private living room at the HQ.
Kenshi: shes still not back *looks down*
Johnny: *places hand on his shoulder* I'm sorry that I couldn't help
Kenshi: it's okay. You tried all you could
Johnny: *sighs a bit*
Kenshi: *tears up a bit*
Johnny: I'll take over *clears throat* so readers! We have a bit of a situation and I tried all I could but now it's up to you to decide! Do you think they should get back together or go their separate ways? Comment down below what you think and the results will be casted in the next update!!
Me: *stays away from him* so I hope you all enjoyed!! I know it's not a lemon but it's because I didn't want the chapter to become a whole novel from one threesome. I know this is something you lovely readers haven't seen between me and him but things happen. Also please don't blame yourselves for this my gems! It's none of you faults! *whispers* its a prank/plot twist to the story! *winks* Honestly I don't really know what's gonna happen. But again I love you all!! I'll see what will happen later on but for now I hope you all enjoyed!! Anyways I love every single one of you my gems! I'll see you all in the next update! Till next time and PEACE OUT MY PEEPS!!!! 😀😀😃😃😄😄😁😁😆😆😂😂🤣🤣😊😊😇😇🙂🙂😉😉😍😍😘😘😗😗😙😙😚😚😋😋😜😜😝😝😛😛🤗🤗😏😏👍👍✌✌👌👌❤❤💛💛💚💚💙💙💜💜

Mortal Kombat X Lemons (REQUESTS STILL ON HOLD)
Storie d'amoreHey guys! the title says it all just give me requests and I'll try my best to make it happen. Enjoy!