🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧Requested by Mittens934
Me: well.....
Kenshi: what is it a/n?
Me: just that this one is a suicidal request and I'm dealing with suicidal thoughts right now
Kenshi: oh *hugs you* it's gonna be okay I promise
Me: thanks *hugs back* YO SACK OF ICE CUBES!!!!!!
Subzero: WHAT IDIOT!?
Me: FUCK YOU!!!! *goes to the bathroom* tikki spots on!!!! *transforms into ladybug and walks out* so what was that?
Subzero: oh shit..... I'M SORRY!!!!! *runs*
Me: bad idea *uses yoyo to pull to towards me as I stuff a power disabler liquid inside you with a needle*
Subzero: NOOO!!!!!
Me: *smiles innocently*
Kenshi: hey ladybug how do you know the kombatanants?
Me: well....I'm good friends with a/n so she's told me a lot about you guys
Kenshi: I see. Okay then
Me: *thinks: phew that was a close one*
Kenshi: still wish she was here
Me: I know me too. Anyways ON WITH THE LEMON!!!!!!
'I need to cut more. I need to get rid of myself. I am a mistake. I'm nothing' y/n had been in her room listening to the voices inside of her head telling her she needs to go. She knew that it was true and she had to get rid of herself because she was a mistake.
(On to a little description about both of their past)
Y/n had been diagnosed with depression and had been self harming from a very young age because her parents were killed. She was in her bedroom that was at the lin kuei temple because she and kuai had been best friends since they were both little and took her in when he heard what happened. Kuai didn't know that she had been cutting because she would always give an excuse as to why she would wear long sleeve sweaters and shirts and he would always let it slide. She kept it a secret for so many years that she thought she wasn't going to get caught. Not yet.
(Now back to reality. If you are reading this and easily triggered SELF HARM AND SUICIDE IS SPOKEN ABOUT HERE!!!! VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!))
Y/n knew that kuai was training so she went to the bathroom locking the door and took a blade that she hid in her little first aid kit that looked like a make up bag. "Little bitch
You're nothing" She told herself as she dragged the blade across her scarred wrist making blood drip into the sink making it turn red. "You deserve to die" She kept telling herself as she dragged the blade across deeper and deeper until she felt light headed. "Now to get rid of myself" She said as she put away the blade, washed the sink and washed her arm but blood kept flowing from it leaving a trail as she walked to her room. "It will be quick" She told herself as she got the rope and tied it to a strong wooden plank that was above her. 'I'll soon be free' she told herself as she stood on the chair and put her head through the noose.Kuai had went to the bathroom and as soon as he put his hand on the doorknob he saw a red stain on the floor that looked like blood. "Is that blood?" He looked at it curiously as he looked along it to find a trail on it leading to a room. Y/n's bedroom. "Oh shit" He said as he began to run to the bedroom and tried to open it only to find it locked. "Y/N OPEN THE DOOR!!!" he screamed frantically trying to open it.
Her suicide note was already on her desk. She began to sob loudly as she looked at the note. And was startled to hear kuai on the other side. "Y/n open please!!!" She heard him beg as she kept sobbing uncotrollably. "Fuck it" He said as he iced the door and smashed it into pieces and saw that she was standing in a chair about to hang herself. "Y/N NO!!!!" He screamed as she ran and froze the rope breaking it off her neck and carried her away from the chair sitting on the bed hugging her. She tried to break free but gave in and just sat there sobbing in his arms. "It's okay in here" He told her reassuringly as he rubbed her back and put his chin on her head keeping her close to him. She sobbed for a while longer before calming down. He set her down on the bed and checked her arms. "Y/n...why didn't you come to me?" He asked feeling hurt as he saw deep cuts that were still bleeding. She looked away before responding "I didn't want to bother you" He then passed his hand over her arms making the cuts stop bleeding and burning. "Y/n" He tried to speak as he took a deep breath. "You know that if you ever feel like this you can come to me. Don't ever feel ashamed or scared to come to me. If something is bothering you come and tell me so I can help you. I care about you y/n because you're a best friend and my love." Y/n blushed at what he just called her and teared up a bit. He wiped her tears as they looked at each other's eyes. "Please promise me that whenever you feel this way you will come to me no matter what" Y/n nodded and agreed to it. "I promise" She smiled looking at him.
Kuai quickly kissed her without second thought. Y/n froze for a few seconds but then kissed back. The kiss became more heated as kuai began to slide his hand down to her pussy where she was wet. "Someone's wet already~" He commented as y/n blushed like crazy "shut up" She replied as she kneed his hard cock making him lowly growl before stripping himself and y/n desperately wanting to be inside her. She covered her breasts when they had no clothing but kuai moved her hands and pinned them above her head. "Don't hide this beauty from me please" He said making her blush even more as he attacked her neck and chest leaving hickeys. "K-kuai...just put it in already please" Y/n moaned out wanting him to be inside her already. "As you wish my lady" He replied as he slowly slid his cock into her tight pussy. Y/n winced in pain as tears slid down her cheeks "it's t-too b-big" She said through sharp pain. "Don't worry it will feel good in a minute" He reassured her wiping her tears away letting her adjust.
"You can go" She said. He began to thrust at a medium pace making y/n moan a bit. Kuai smirked and kissed her as he sped up little by little. Y/n moaned into the kiss as he speed up to an extremely fast pace making her almost reach her edge. "I'm close!!!!" She screamed as kuai kept going. "Me too" He replied as he began to abuse her g spot leaving them both a moaning mess. "RIGHT THERE!!!" Y/n screamed as she was sent to cloud 9. "KUAI!!!" "Y/N!!!" Both screamed as they came at the same time hard leaving them both panting. Kuai pulled out and laid next to her pulling the blankets over them since kuai was an AC to y/n. "I love you y/n. Please don't ever leave me" "I love you too and I promise I won't" They told each other before they fell into a deep sleep snuggling into each other.
Me: wow....honestly that was pretty sad and I want to cry but I can't
Kenshi: why is that ladybug?
Me: well the thing is- *earring beeps* shit. I gotta go. Goodbye citizens! *leaves to a secret place and transforms back*
Kenshi: damn it. Almost found out
Me: *walks out* hey
Kenshi: hello a/n
Me: this chapter is very sad. I want to show emotion but I can't
Kenshi: how come a/n?
Me: it's really hard to explain
Kenshi: please? I want to help you *holds your hand and squeezes it gently* I want to help in anyway I can
Me: *tears up* later I promise
Kenshi: good *hugs you tight*
Me: *hugs back*
Kenshi: go on and finish
Me: I hope you enjoyed Mittens934!!!! Sorry if it isn't how you wanted it or imagined it. Also ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! REQUESTS ARE STILL TEMPORARILY CLOSED!!!! I'll update on that very soon my gems!! I love you all very much each and every one of you!! Anyways I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next update! Till next time and PEACE OUT MY PEEPS!!!!! 😀😀😃😃😄😄😁😁😆😆😂😂🤣🤣😊😊😇😇🙂🙂😉😉😍😍😘😘😗😗😙😙😚😚😋😋😜😜😝😝😛😛🤗🤗😏😏👍👍✌✌👌👌❤❤❤💛💛💛💚💚💙💙💜💜

Mortal Kombat X Lemons (REQUESTS STILL ON HOLD)
RomanceHey guys! the title says it all just give me requests and I'll try my best to make it happen. Enjoy!