Lezione 9-Singular & Plural

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Ciao raga!

Raga is short for ragazzi, meaning guys in this case. Not a word you would use towards teachers, obviously. =)


It's time to learn how to distinguish singular nouns from plural ones.


                                      -In Italian


Quick revision:

Masculine singular nouns usually end with o. (Il Pollo-Chicken)

In their plural form usually with i. (I Polli-Chickens)

Whereas feminine singular nouns tend to end with a. (La Figlia-Daughter)

Feminine plural ones however often end with e. (Le Figlie-Daughters)


Il Tavolo-Table

Tavolo ends with o so it's masculine and singular.

In its plural form?

Replace o with i:

I tavoli-tables.

The same procedure goes for the following nouns:

Il ragazzo-I ragazzi-Boy-Boys

Il bambino-I bambini-Little boy-little boys

Il libro-I libri-Book-books

L'adulto-Gli adulti-Adult-Adults

Il soldo-I soldi-Coin-Coins/Money

Il gatto-I gatti-Cat-Cats

Il telefono-I telefoni-Telephone-Telephones.


Feminine nouns:

Most end with a when singular, so replace a with e to transform it into its plural form-

La ragazza-Le ragazze-Girl-Girls

La bambina-Le bambine-Little girl-Little girls

La gatta-Le gatte-Female cat-Female cats

La donna-Le donne-Woman-Women

La finestra-Le finestre-Window-Windows.


Certamente, (certainly/of course) there are exceptions. Here are just some of the very many known:

 1.) Masculine nouns ending with e when singular and i when plural:

L'amore-Love (Gli amori is used to express affection towards other people, namely children, so it is translated as: darlings)

L'animale-Gli animali-Animal-Animals

Il cane-I cani-Dog-Dogs

Il mare-I mari-Sea-Seas

Il colore-I colori-Colour-Colours

Il padre-I padri-Father-Fathers

Il fiore-I fiori-Flower-Flowers

Il sole-I soli-Sun-Suns

Il paese-I paesi-Country-Countries

Il fiume-I fiumi-River-Rivers

Il pesce-I pesci-Fish-Fishes

Il ristorante-I ristoranti-Restaurants

Lo studente-Gli studenti-Student/Students

Il piede-I piedi-Foot-Feet

Il nome-I nomi-Name-Names

2.) Feminine nouns ending with o in their singular form and i in their plural:

La mano-le mani-Hand-Hands

La moto-le moto (without changing o in this case)-Motorbike-motorbikes

L'eco-gli echi (from feminine to masculine in this case)-Echo-Echoes

3.) Masculine nouns that become feminine in their plural form!

L'uovo-le uova-Egg-eggs

4.) Feminine nouns ending with e in their singular form...

La televisione-television (Le televisioni-televisions)

La pittrice-(female) painter (Le pittrici-(female) painters)

L'attrice-actress (Le attrici-actresses)

L'azione-The action (Le azioni-the actions)

La funzione-The function (Le funzioni-The functions)

La cantante-(female) singer (Le cantanti-the female singers)

(Il cantante also means a male singer, just switch the gender of the article).

5.) Masculine nouns ending with a (with -ma, really):

Il diagramma-Diagram (I diagrammi-diagrams)

Il dilemma-Dilemma (I dilemmi-dilemmas)

Il problema-Problem (I problemi-problems)

6.) ALL nouns ending with an accentuated vowel remain unvaried in their plural form:

La città-le città: The city-the cities

La moralità-le moralità: Morality-moralities

Il caffè-I caffè: The coffee-The coffees

Il falò-I falò: The bonfire-The bonfires

L'università-Le università: The university-The universities

Il colibrì-I colibrì: The hummingbird-The hummingbirds

And of course there are others, but just memorize these words as for now.

Alla prossima lezione! (See you at the next lesson!)

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