Optional lesson #6: Italian people!

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In this lesson, I'm going to discuss with you what Italian people are like (generally and in my own opinion based on what I have experienced). If you find it bordering on the offensive, then I ask you for my forgiveness as it is not my intention to offend anyone.

In questa lezione, discuterò con voi come sono gli italiani (in generale e secondo la mia opinione in base a quello che ho avuto come esperienza). Se la trovi offensiva, vi chiedo di perdonarmi dato che non è la mia intenzione di offendere nessuno.


Positive aspects of Italian teenagers (aged between 13-19+):

Sociable, funny, affectionate, welcoming, curious.

Negative aspects of Italian teenagers (aged between 13-19+):

Rude, arrogant, too sure of themselves, aiming to look 'cooler' and 'better' than the rest.

Positive aspects of Italian adults (età dai 30-60). I know this is a huge age difference but adults are adults and I wouldn't really know how to group them until the age of 65 and over. Anyway, here goes:

Witty, warm, helpful, loving, energetic.

Negative aspects of Italian adults (età dai 30-60):

Foul-mouthed, easily angered, envious, bigots (many Italians I have encountered tended to impose their opinions on others).


Now, I'm going to take you more into the specific. That means I'm going to narrow down the groups of people by using gender.

Adesso, vi porterò più nello specifico. Questo significa che stringerò i gruppi delle persone usando il loro sesso.

Italian males (aged between 30-55, positive aspects):

Good at leading, strong opinions, protective of their loved ones.

Italian males (aged between 30-55, negative aspects):

Loud, coercive in terms of opinions, narrow-minded.

Italian females (aged between 30-55, positive aspects):

Family-oriented (mostly), neat, clean, fun to be around.

Italian females (aged between 30-55, negative aspects):

Cocky, envious, wearing too much make-up.


As for the elderly, I'd say that we should respect them (unless they pester youths...some elderly Italians are very patriotic and narrow-minded, so not all of them show respect towards foreigners.)

Just a quick culture lesson, grazie e a presto! :D

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