In total there were 50 questions.
To get half a mark, you must have either written one correct word in a two-word expression or two correct words in a three-word expression (etc.) or have gotten only one letter wrong in one word.
Here are the answers:
Exercise 1-Write the corresponding expressions in Italian.
Example: Hello (towards your teachers or someone older)- Answer: Salve.
1. Good evening-Buonasera
2. Goodnight-Buonanotte
3. Thank you-Grazie
4. Please-Per favore
5. No-No
6. Your welcome-Prego
7. Good day-Buongiorno
8. Sorry! (Polite form)-Scusi!
9. Yes, please-Sì, grazie.
10. How are you? (Both formally and informally)-Come sta? (Formal). Come stai? (Informal)
Esercizio 2-Write the corresponding expressions in English.
Esempio (example)-Buonasera- Answer: Good evening.
1. Da dove vieni?-Where do you come from?
2. Parla italiano?-Do you speak Italian? (Formal)
3. Ti voglio bene-I love you (Towards a friend/family member)
4. Aiuto!-Help!
5. Buona giornata!-Have a nice day!
6. Ho sette anni-I'm seven years old.
7. Scusi-Sorry (Formal)
8. Vengo da Inghilterra-I come from England.
9. Come ti chiami?-What's your name?
10. Piacere di consocerLa!-Pleasure to meet you! (Formal)
Esercizio 3-Translate the following numbers into English.
Esempio: Uno. Answer: One.
1. Tre-Three
2. Otto-Eight
3. Dieci-Ten
4. Quattro-Four
5. Sette-Seven
Esercizio 4-Translate the following numbers into Italian.
Esempio: Four. Answer: Quattro.
6. Nine-Nove
7. Two-Due
8. Six-Sei
9. Five-Cinque
10. One-Uno
Esercizio 5-Translate the following personal pronouns.
1. Noi-We
2. Tu-You
3. Lui-He
4. Loro-They
5. Voi-You (Plural)
6. Io-I
7. Lei-She
Esercizio 6-Translate the following verbs in Italian.
Esempio: Io ho- Answer: I have.
1. You are-Tu sei 2. He eats-Lui mangia
3. We sleep-Noi dormiamo 4. You (pl.) read-Voi leggete
5. I am-Io sono 6. They eat-Loro mangiano
7. She reads-Lei legge 8. We are-Noi siamo
9. It reads-Esso legge 10. You (pl.) have-Voi avete
Esercizio 7-Apply the appropriate article.
Esempio: __ragazzo- Answer: Il ragazzo.
1. L'ape. 2. La ragazza.
3. I nonni. 4. Il cane.
5. Il bambino. 6. I libri.
7. Lo psicologo. 8. Gli stadi.
9. Le donne. 10. Lo zio.
Esercizio 8-Make the following sentences negative.
Esempio: Io sono James. Answer: Io non sono James.
1. Tu non sei bella.
2. Lui non è stupido.
3. Non siamo qui.
4. Non faccio tante pizze.
5. Non ho 5 figli.
Esercizio 9-Make questions out of the following sentences. Say them aloud with the correct intonation.
Esempio: Mangia le patatine fritte ogni giorno (Eats French fries everyday). Answer: Mangia le patatine fritte ogni giorno?
1. Legge libri?
2. Dormi poco? (Perhaps a doctor would ask this :) )
3. Mangia sempre?
I doubt you got less than three! If so, revise and contact me for extra help. Please don't be afraid of doing so! I'll be so happy you contacted me :)
< 3-Revise and contact me
4-10-Revise again
11-17-Better still but revise
18-26-Insufficient-Just one more point and you can go forwards!
27-34-Sufficient-you may go onto the non-beginners level!
43-46-Very good
See you next time! (Alla prossima!)
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