INTERMEDIATE: Lezione 32-'If...' and 'When'

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Mamma mia, se ho sonno!

Goodness me, am I tired!

Sono le 23:56 del 20 Maggio 2015 in questo momento.

Ora le 57! Il tempo continua a passare...che paura!

Comunque, benvenuti al livello intermediario! In bocca al lupo =)

Guess what that means before reading the translation below! :3

It's 23:56 of the 20 May 2015 at the moment.

Now it's 57 minutes past! Time continues to pass by... how scary!

Anyway, welcome to the intermediate level! Good luck =)


This is going to be short first lesson because 1. Sono stanco (tired) e 2. it's a relatively easy topic to pick up.

So, what are we waiting for? (Che aspettiamo?)

This lesson is going to show you how to say simple sentences with 'if'. These include the basic 'if' clauses used in the present tense, like "If I go home, I eat." or "If I go home, I'll eat" because in Italian you can use these in exactly the same way.

Firstly, 'if' is se in Italian. Se. (Seh)

As in English, place it before the action:

Se vado. If I go.

Se mangio. If I eat.

Negative: Se+non+conjugated verb.

Se non mangio. If I don't eat.

Se non vai. If you don't go.

You get the point.

So how about fuller sentences, like the ones listed high above? (lol)

Let's take a look at these:

If I go home, I eat.

If I go home, I'll eat.

What's the difference between the two? The first sentence describes a general action and occurrence. The second, something that will happen only if that other thing will happen.

In Italian: Se vado a casa, mangio.

For both sentences!

Of course, you could change the second one into its future form, too, but we'll look at that eventually.

Se vado a scuola, studio. If I go to school, I study/I'll study.

Se vai a scuola, studia! If you go to school, study!

Se Alex va a casa, dorme. If Alex goes home, he sleeps/he'll sleep.

Se guardi quel film, ti spaventi. If you watch that film, you'll get scared. (new word: quel-that. Masculine singular.)

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