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proofread by vedlcrz
2nd proofread by _JEONJIMIN_

Jungkook left without saying anything to Jimin.

And Jimin is already tired to cry.


Uee watched them from outside and sighed. She doesn't know why Jungkook didn't say anything after he saw what his mother had done to his boyfriend. Was he involved in Jiyeon's plans too? Uee hoped he's not because she knew him, she raised him not to be cruel like Jiyeon.

Night came and Jungkook still locked himself in his room. Jiyeon called her son for dinner but he said he's tired and will ask the maid to bring his dinner to his room when he's hungry. Uee used that chance to talk with the young master.

She took the food tray from the kitchen counter and brought it to Jungkook's room after Jiyeon and her husband was done with dinner and went back into their room.

"I'm not hung ---" Jungkook turned around and was startled when it was Uee who sent his food. "Uee- ahjumma." He called and stood up to help Uee carry the tray to the table.

"It's okay, this is my job." Uee said when Jungkook took the food tray from her hand. "Young master, can I talk with you about something?" She asked as she took a seat on the sofa in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed. "Jimin?" Uee nodded.

"He really needs you right now." Uee started.

"Why does he need me? He didn't think about me when he decided to kill our baby." Uee was shocked with what Jungkook just said.

"No --"

"Enough, mother already told me everything. Tomorrow, I will send him back to Taehyung's apartment. Isn't that what he wanted? You can go now Ahjumma." Jungkook said and stood up. He walked to his bed and grabbed his phone from the bedside table, not even sparing a glance to his maid.

Uee had enough with the Jeons. She made her way towards Jungkook and took his phone and threw it away, hitting the wall. "It's your mother who killed Bubble!"


Jungkook stood outside the door, not knowing if he should enter or not, doesn't know if Jimin wants to see him or not and doesn't know what to say after hearing what all Uee said last night.

He never thought his own mother could be so cruel to Jimin. He knew now why every time he called Jimin, his mother was the one picking up the call and said Jimin was busy with Yoga, with shopping and stuff.

He really regrets and is disappointed with himself.

Jungkook needs to do something. He doesn't want to lose Jimin but he doesn't know how to gain Jimin's trust again.


"Jungkook." Uee called when she saw her young master standing in front of Jimin's room. Jungkook answered her with hmm, eyes still at the door. "Everything will be fine."

Jungkook looked at his maid, not knowing if he should trust her words or not. Uee smiled and patted his shoulder, giving some courage to him.

Jungkook sighed and nodded.

Uee smiled when Jungkook, without hesitation, entered Jimin's room and closed the door behind him.


Jimin was staring outside the window like usual when he heard the door open. He doesn't need to check who came in because he knew it's Uee.

A weight was suddenly on his shoulder and hand on his lap making him turn his head. "I'm sorry." A voice he missed said. Jimin pushed his head from his shoulder slowly and made his way out from his bed. "Jimin, you said you trust me."

"I am."

"I never lied to you." Jungkook said, moving towards his boyfriend. He back hugged him, he missed Jimin so much that he doesn't want to let him go. "All she said was not true."

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