Chapter 1

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"I really need a drink" – That was all that Oliver could think at the moment.

He was surrounded by his team, in the "Arrow Cave", as Felicity loved to call it, all suited up, looking at the clone of his ex girlfriend and former partner in crime fighting from Earth 2, that seemed to be an escapee from Star Labs meta-human prison - "damn it Barry". Diggle, Thea and Felicity were still with a scared face, looking at the woman, Thea in her uniform and Felicity in a white t shirt and a black skirt. Diggle was the most frightened. Even in his suit, he looked frightened as hell. That shit was way too weird for him, even though he fought aliens, alongside an alien, a speedster, time travelers, and all the crazy.

Oliver's head was spinning, literally spinning. First came the shock: Laurel, there in his hideout, looking like she never died in the first place. Then it came: that horrible sound, that screaming that almost made him go deaf. Yep, it was not Laurel at all, not his Laurel anyway. Then: punch after punch, a lot of fighting, more screaming, and many bruises, they managed to talk to her. She was arguing with them, trying to explain what she was doing here, and who she was.

Apparently, even after fighting aliens together and almost seeing the end of the world together, Barry managed to forget to mention that there was another Earth besides the one Supergirl was from, and that they found Laurel's doppelganger and that she was evil. He thought, after fighting aliens and meeting a super cute blonde alien that could knock him out with her pinky finger, that he had seen everything. But he was wrong, so wrong.

- I'll ask you again, and this time I expect the truth. What the hell are you doing here and why? – Oliver was doing his best not to yell at that woman. He was pissed. How dare she pretend to be Laurel Lance, the Black Canary? – So answer!

- I told you. I from another earth, the second one apparently as that nerd kept saying to me. – she said getting angry herself, trying to explain things for the hundred time – I have no reason to lie, Zoom made me do horrible things and fear for my life, and I'm finally free. I helped The Flash with some complications, and we made a deal. I could start over, fresh and new.

- And why the hell did you think it was a good idea to come here and pretend you were the Black Canary? – Felicity asked, still feeling the pain in her ears. The bleed has stopped now, thankfully.

- 'Cause I thought it was going to be fun...and it was...for a while – she smiled at their angry faces. – The point is, I heard you guys talking about someone called Prometheus. I was trying to find more about it, I'm not in the mood to be caught in another super strange mess from a super villain, so I'm trying to be careful, sorry for that. – She crossed her arms impatiently – Can I go now?

Oliver digested those words. He was really mad at her for the stupid prank, but he kinda understood her. It was hard being forced to live a life you didn't want to, being forced to do horrible things to stay alive. He understood that better than anyone. He still texted Barry just to be sure she hasn't escaped, though. After a positive answer, he forced a smile to that stranger that brought back so many painful feelings for him.

- As much as pains me to say this, I understand you. I'm still trying to cope with this entire multiverse thing, to me this is all crazy... real, but crazy. – he said, taking a step closer to her – And I also believe in second chances. You have the right to start over, for sure.

- I think she should fight with us on the team – Curtis said looking strangely excited. Everybody looked at him at once, with mixed feelings. Curtis and Rory were the only ones with normal clothes, since they were not on patrol this time.

- Are you nuts? – Felicity said really loud. – She could never be Black Canary.

- Please, call me Black Siren – the woman said, slightly offended – And no, I don't want to fight anymore.

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