Chapter 2

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Everyone was gathered at the Star Labs hangar, the same place they met when the last crisis happened. The place looked exactly the same, with the USA flag hanging high above their heads, piles of boxes on some corners and a huge tech center with a big screen and two computers. They all were suited up, having left their habitual clothes in the locker room of the Lab.

Felicity was looking around; like it was the first time she actually saw the place.

- You know, Barry, you can definitely make some improvements around here. I can see big things for this place. – She smiled to herself letting her mind wonder far away

- I actually don't have the money for that right now, Felicity. Maybe someday – Barry said smiling at her friend dreaming away. Felicity could get really excited over things like improving tech equipment or updating some old computer system. He was a geek himself, but Felicity easily beat him in that department.

Oliver came in his habitual Green Arrow suit, bow, quiver and arrows.

- Is everyone here? – He said looking around

- You guys are really doing this? – Caitlin said still worrying about their crazy plan.

- Is all for one in this team, Caitlin. – Barry said – But don't worry, we will be careful.

- Yes we will. I was talking with my brother last night about a plan and it may work, we just need to know a few things about Kara's Earth first... were is she? – Thea looked around noticing that the blond was not among them.

They all felt a strong whoosh of wind around them and looked up. Kara flew in and landed in the middle of the room, in a rush.

- I'm late...Sorry... - she looked embarrassed at all of them – I got lost and I saw a burger place, got to eat some... – she laughed at herself – Felicity, thank you so much for letting me crash last night at your place, and for the cash you gave me.

- No problem, you are always welcome – Felicity said overly excited, fangirling – What? – She looked at Cisco – It was like sharing an apartment with the mirror. We are so much alike – She lightly squeezed Kara's arm that did the same to her, really lightly, like a teenager excited with her best friend – Not so alike, I can't fly or punch people really hard...

- Felicity... - Oliver said causing them both to stay quiet suddenly, holding a laugh – Ok so...

- Someone is coming - Kara said all out of a sudden, and got up trying to see through the doors – a bunch of people, can't tell who though...

- What...oh, super hearing...x ray vision...I'm still not used to this – Diggle said looking perplexed to Kara

A blonde woman came in the front with a few people coming right behind her and they all recognized them.

- I am so hurt you guys didn't call us... - Sara came said pretending to be upset – Not cool, guys.

- Sara? – Oliver walked towards the blonde, giving her a tight hug – Always a pleasure, but what the hell are you guys doing here?

- Ouch, nice to see you too Oliver – Ray said joking

- We came here to stop a time aberration from coming true. – Amaya said greeting everyone after slightly punching Mick's arm for a bad joke he told her as soon as he saw everyone.

- A what, now? – Diggle asked suddenly feeling really lost. Four years and he still wasn't used to Barry running fast as a speeding bullet, and now there was so much crazier to deal with. He felt the need to sit down and breathe.

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