Chapter 5

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Kara sat in front of the computer in Arrow Cave looking for news about that Prometheus guy, trying to understand him a bit more while the others were coming. She blushed as she remembered what happened a minute before the ceiling collapsed.

- You need to work on your blushing – Oliver said in a low and fun voice next to her ear, making her jump and look at him, giving a small giggle.

And he had a point. They agreed to keep whatever this was between them, since all they knew was that they were attracted to each other and savored each other's kisses. Kara was surprised at herself, 'cause she was not like that at all. She tried to date Adam, Mrs. Grant's son, but she couldn't tell him her secret, and couldn't give him a chance at all. She pined over James Olsen for a long time, before getting to kiss him, and when she was about to date him, her whole world was shaken up. She felt the need to find herself, what she wanted in life besides being Supergirl, and found out she was not ready for a serious relationship. Then she met Mon-El. She really liked him, wanted to help and protect him. She taught him all she could, and then he had to go away. She strongly believed she was unlucky when it came to love, and she was not the kind of girl to full around with people she knew for a short time, but Oliver was a really mysterious guy, he was also a super hero – in his own complicated and violent way, but at the end of the day he did good for the world, was intriguing. She didn't know why, but she felt attracted to him, in a way she never did before and it scared her. He respected her above all things, she could notice, and understood her quite well. It was amazing for her to discover this new world, new people, and new reality. But she knew soon enough she would be back on her Earth, and she would only see them once or twice a year, maybe less, so there was no point stressing over it.

They agreed to use as an excuse for why she was there alone, the fact that she wanted to learn more about Prometheus, and it was a good thing to make it more believable, so he was telling her everything he knew, and she was researching more about his crimes online.

Nate, Mick and Amaya came in first, since they were staying in the Wave Rider that was parked right next to the lair. Stein came with Jefferson, Felicity, Cisco and Caitlin right beside him.

- Sorry Oliver, but I couldn't call Barry. He would kill me – Cisco said giving him a knowing look while entering the lair and stopping suddenly, looking startled at the huge hole on the ceiling – WOW, what was that?

- Wait 'til everyone's here and I explain.

- Also... Sara and Alex are not coming. Alex told me they got drunk in a bar; apparently Sara was thanking Alex for saving her life... She sound really weird on the phone, I heard a loud noise and then she hang up, but I believe they're ok. Drunks being drunks. – Cisco finishes, sitting beside Kara

Superman came in a rush, bringing Thea with him, carrying her bridal style. Her hair went all over the place as she stepped down the floor. Renee, Rory and Curtis came after him, looking around alarmed.

- Thea told me about the meeting. – He said looking at the ceiling – A bomb exploded here or something? – He looked around confused.

- Well, since no one else is coming... This was an attack. If it wasn't for Kara, I would be dead by now.

- What do you mean you were attacked Ollie? – Thea said panicking

- And why were you were so late, cousin? – Clark looked suspiciously at Kara. He noticed some changes in her since he met her super friends from this Earth, especially when she around this Oliver. He was a good guy, he knew it, but he couldn't help feeling protective around his cousin. They developed a brotherly relationship since they reconnected a few years ago.

- I came to thank Oliver about the apartment and to ask him about this Prometheus guy, since he knows him better than anyone. I don't like trying to plan anything without knowing anything about the enemy. – She said with such an innocent look that got even Oliver surprised. She felt fine, 'cause it was not technically a lie, she was just hiding a bit of the information.

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