Chapter 6

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The Sun took over the streets really soon in the morning. It was 7 am and there was not so many people walking around, after all it was Saturday. Clark was sitting on a table at the coffee shop he found another day, taking a cup of coffee and reading the local newspaper. This Earth was really interesting, and he liked to see what was different from his one. He also missed Lois so much, it hurt. He was going to ask Kara to use her com so he could talk to Lois, that was hiding at the DEO. Kara's com connected her to Winn, their friend that was also at the DEO, helping them against their fight against Cadmus. Clark constantly spoke to Cisco and Felicity about what could they do to fight them, and they were almost getting somewhere. That's why Cisco asked him, firestorm, Ray and Nate to go to Felicity's place last night. He had some brilliant idea, but never said to them exactly what it was, just that this might work well and they would soon be able to come home. They spent a lot of time discussing this matter, and decided to crash there since was so late and no one felt like going to their places. He felt excited about the possibility of seeing Lois again soon. While he was lost in his thoughts, Thea came in surprised to see Clark there.

- Hey you – she said to him, as she passed by and got to the counter. She got her order, a big cup of cappuccino and turned around to see Clark waving at her to join him. She walked to his table, and sat across him – Fell out of the bed? – She joked while taking a sip of her drink.

- Yes! – He said excitedly – Kind of... - He laughed.

- I got a message from Cisco saying that you guys reunited last night and that he might have some good news later. What was that about?

- He asked us not to say anything yet, 'cause he is still trying to see if it will work, but it has something to do with Cadmus and my Earth.

- Wow, that's great. You must be really be missing home

- Yes I am. Especially Lois, my wife. – He said with a sad face.

It was a shame he was married, Thea thought, but she could tell Clark really loved her. She found that cute. It was really hard to find guys that were truly faithful to their girlfriends or wives nowadays, but she could tell Clark was different. He had that nerdy but sexy look and she bet he wasn't aware of that. He blushed easily at things and while as Clark Kent, he was always weird and funny, a bit awkward. She found it funny he wore glasses as a disguise, like his cousin, but they turned into completely different people when they were themselves. Except Kara, she was cute and kind of dorky even as Supergirl sometimes.

- I bet she must miss you too, but don't worry, we will be able to take those jerks down soon, and you will reunite with her. I can't wait to met her – Thea said being honest

- And I thank you and your team for all the help. Kara is lucky to have friends like you guys in her life.

- Well, we all are friends Mr., you included – She smiled at him, finishing her coffee.

They walked together to the lair, talking about the two Earths and it's similarities and differences.

- You see, Cadmus thinks aliens are the problem, they think that we are dangerous and cannot be trusted. The thing is, there are bad aliens, yes there is. But there are good ones as well. Here in this Earth you don't have aliens, at least not in this planet. And you still are surrounded by violence, by death, by robbery and danger. It shows that even without powers, even being born here, humans are capable of horrible things as well; humans can be dangerous as well. So aliens are not the problem, the problem is the character, the personality, having good things inside you. Still, everyone deserves a chance, and to pay for their crimes.

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