Chapter 8

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Kara started remember everything that went down on her Earth and felt terrible and she remember hearing everything that happened to Lillian Luthor. She really hoped she could have reached her, but it was impossible – she understood that now. Lena must be devastated. They hated each other, but she knew that deep down Lena hoped to win her mother's love. That would never be possible again and she felt guilty. Oliver came in, sitting next to her as she asked him to sit with her in the bed, making room for him.

- Please, you two, behave – Clark teased them, greeting Oliver as he sat straight in his bed.

- Hi to you too, Clark – Oliver laughed and looked at Kara – How are you feeling today?

- I'm feeling so much better right now.

Caitlin came in and told Clark he was free to go, 100% healthy again. Clark waved at the couple on the bed and thanked Caitlin. She got out of there with him for Kara's exams results.

- I can't stop thinking about Lillian... How I couldn't save her... - Kara rested her head on his shoulder, hugging him by the waste.

- Hey, we all couldn't. – He caressed softly her hair with his fingers while he gave a kiss on her forehead. – You don't have to feel guilty about it, babe.

- But I do... I can't help it.

- You are a hero, and you did what you could. Sometimes we cannot save everyone, and I know that hurts. It hurts like hell, but sometimes it's out of our reach. We are not Gods. – He looked at her with sudden sadness on his face that got her curious. She squeezed lightly his hand, telling him with that, that it was ok. – I couldn't save my best friend... I couldn't save my mom, or Laurel. I couldn't save Felicity's boyfriend. I felt so much guilty I could barely handle it. They all were brutally taken before my eyes, and there was nothing I could do. I felt helpless, the only thing I managed to do afterwards, was to bring them to justice. I did it with Malcolm, but now the bastard is traveling through time. I know that Sara and her team will handle him, but still. I did it to Slade and I killed Darhk. I know the legends will manage to take care of him too. You know Barry went back in time to save his mom, and was forced to let her die after saving her and changing everything. We cannot control these things. If we let it, it will make us drown in sorrow.

Kara listened to him, giving a kiss on his cheek, a sweet one, while she caressed his face.

- You are so strong, is hard to believe you survived all of this. I'm so sorry you had to face all of this...

- Like you said – He looked at her – Hardships makes us stronger. And I know you are strong. You are a hero Kara, never doubt that. I guess your friend Winn is trying to reach you as Cisco told me. You will want to answer him – He smiled waiting for her to hear the news herself.

Kara tapped her com and called Winn.

- Yes... It's me.

- Kara, thank God. Or Rao as you like to say... Are you ok?

- Never been better – she looked at Oliver with a smile on her face as she said that.

- I have huge news for you, girl. The media is going nuts about what happened. They are spreading the word how Supergirl and Superman, with a bunch of new heroes they never heard of before, discovered Cadmus plans and saved the city. We kinda leaked the whole thing to them, with all the proof you guys found. Cisco sent me and I worked my magic here. The Mayor wants to give you and your cousin the key to the city and the people are asking for your forgiveness. TV interview people all the time that prays for you guys to be watching them, so you can know how sorry they are they ever doubted you.

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