Chapter 7

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They all gathered a few moments later at Star Labs, with all their equipment, weapons and all suited up, except for Oliver. They revised theirs plan, with Kara still unsure how she felt about it. Oliver had some crazy idea about disguising himself so he could get into Cadmus Lab, and she got really worried for his safety. But then, she remembered he spent the last 5 years surviving the unthinkable, so she felt a bit better. She trusted him to be safe out there, after all.

Cisco opened the breach and everyone stepped in, going to Earth 38, some of them for the last time.

They arrived on Earth 38 in an empty garage. Alex had no idea where they were, since it was really dark so Barry ran fast around the build to see if it was safe. He saw no one around; they were in the middle of some huge field, with only trees and grass around them. Kara recognized the place, it was the same field she met Barry for the first time, when he got her shirt on fire. They were safe.

Kara went to find Lena Luthor, to ask for her help. Oliver was going to wait to meet her mom face to face, passing as a Russian that wanted to work with her. Thea and Barry were going to have his back as he would gather information about their exact plans, and to find their weakness. Barry, Firestorm and Ray offered to fly in, hiding, but it was better to get the info from the inside, instead of taking a risk of getting exposed.

The rest of the team would wait for more instructions. Their plan depended of this first part to work. Kara took them to LCorp by foot, trying to hide as much as they could. Luckily for them they only have to jump behind cars and walls a few times. They were behind a huge statue of the Mayor when Kara kissed Oliver goodbye as they reached the LCorp building across the street and wished him good luck. Oliver got out of hiding, sitting on a bench on the sidewalk waiting. He was dressed like a Russian, thanking God he could speak perfectly in the language and with a perfect accent. He also had his Russian mafia Bratva to help if he needed it, so it was all cool.

Kara managed to enter Lena's office quite easily. She felt relived because she thought it was going to be surrounded by agents, since her mom was the owner of Cadmus, but it was surprisingly empty. There was just her usual staff working; they never saw her coming as she used super speed to get there.

- Oh My God, Supergirl! – The brunette said as she entered the place and saw Supergirl standing there, nervous. – I hope you are well; they are looking for you everywhere.

- I'm fine, thanks Lena – She said smiling nicely to her – And I know it. I can't tell you were I was, I just really need your help. I need to find where Cadmus is, and I need you to call your mom here.

- Ok... And why? – She said suspiciously – Are you trying to hurt her or something?

- No, of course not. I'm trying to close Cadmus down for good. I have back up, cannot say who – she told before Lena could ask her about it – I just need you to trust me.

- I do trust you, Supergirl... And I will help you. You saved my life so many times, what can I do for you? – She asked while Kara explained to her what she needed.

Lena told her he put a gps tracker on her mom two days ago so she could find the lab, but she never went there for a while, so she didn't know. She opened her laptop and saw it, the signal above a building not far away from there. Kara took her phone that Cisco upgraded so it would work on this Earth and sent everyone else that was waiting the address of the lab, and told them to stand still and wait. It was Oliver's turn now to act, since Lena was calling her mom, with a excuse. Supergirl thanked Lena and ran away in super speed, since she figured out people would notice her flying around. She got back to their hiding spot at the garage, while Oliver started his part of the plan.

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