Chapter 3

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*Notes at the end of this chaper*


- Where is Kara? – Alex said coming to the control room with bruises and a bleeding lip.

- Wow, what happened? – Caitlin asked – I can help you take care of those bruises.
- Thanks, but first I need to talk to my sister...

Clark stood up and reached for Alex.

- She flew to the roof across the street saying she needed a time for herself.

- Did you two fight? Over what?
- Let's say I was a jerk to her, way worse than that, and I feel really sorry.
- And do I want to know why you look like you came out of a zombie fight? – Clark said looking at her bruises
- You guys have zombies on your Earth? – Cisco asked really excited to hear the word zombie. Barry gave him a look of "not now, Cisco, wrong timing" and he just shut his mouth, looking back at the computer.
- I just had a wake up call.
- That's what friends are for, right? – Sara came, putting her elbow in Alex's shoulders, smiling cynically at her. Alex forced a smile back
- Yes. – she turned to Clark as Sara went talk to Oliver – please, bring me to the roof
- Alex I...
- Clark NOW. Please?

Clark took Alex bridal style and took of to the roof. Cisco left out a "cool" while Diggle kept looking like he was hypnotized.
- Diggle, at some point you will have to get used to us... - Barry said laughing at his friend's expression.
- I know man, I know...


Kara was sitting alone in the roof, holding her knees close to her, while she stared at the sky. Out of everything she ever heard in her life, she never felt as hurt as she felt right now. She had no idea her sister thought of her as a coward, not after everything they've been through.
When they were kids, Alex sometimes said to her mom that she loved Kara more cause she had powers, and sometimes told Kara she wished she had them as well, but they grew past this a long time ago. Alex came to understand, as they grew up, that it was important to keep Kara's secret, and that she couldn't help her situation, since she had lost everything and everyone she had ever loved. She became an understanding sister, that helped her every time she needed. They were there for each other, they loved each other, they had each other back. What had happened to Alex feel this way?
Kara was lost in thoughts, when she saw Clark flying with Alex in his arms. Thankfully it was a large roof, with firm roof tiles. Alex thanked Clark and sat beside Kara, with tears in her eyes. Clark told Alex he would be at the roof in front of them, in case they needed him, and promised he wouldn't listen. She smiled at him and turned to Kara.

- Kara, I am so sorry... please forgive me

Kara stood there quiet, looking at her feet, still thinking.

- Kara? Please talk to me...
- So you think I am a coward... - Kara simply stated – After all this time, is nice to know what you really feel about me – she tried to clean the tears falling in her face.
- I didn't meant it, please believe me
- Ok, so why did you say it? – Kara finally looked at her sister, searching her brown eyes for answers. – Since I found you in your bedroom, you are acting strange, Winn told me you refused to go to the DEO that you were trying to take Cadmus all by yourself... I was trying to tell myself this was not like you at all, but honestly, I don't even know anymore

Alex took a deep breath. She was a mess, she confessed to herself. Her fight with Sara opened her eyes to some things she didn't want to admit, but she saw no other way now. It was starting to mess with her head and she was becoming a person she didn't like at all. She looked at Kara, cleaning her own eyes from her tears.

- I don't think you are a coward. At all. You are the bravest person I know. I just... I figured it would be the two of us against them all if we had to. I always see you go full on the bad guys, taking them down, fighting them with all the strength you had. I was so mad that you have left me there. That you didn't say goodbye. Then I heard what happened to you. I was mad you went away instead of coming to me for help, or mom. The I understood it was dangerous to you, and I could not accept to live in a world where I could not even take care of my sister, that she had to go away without saying goodbye to her family and friends, that everyone was so unfair to her and they hated so much for something it was not her fault. I was a mess before, cause of Maggie...
- You guys are really over this time?
- Yes... I guess so...I don't want to talk about it... Not now – Alex took another deep breath and looked at Kara – And When I saw you I was so glad you were ok, and alive, and then you said things about a different universe, heroes and running away... I got really mad, but I saw you were not changing your mind, and we were attacked, so I said yes. But I was so mad, Kara, you have no idea. And I'm sorry for that.
- And why you and Sara were fighting?
- Cause I am a bitch... Sorry – she added when she saw Kara's look at her – But I was. She kind of helped me see it, and that I'm alive because you are stubborn and refused to let me there, fighting by myself, and cause you managed to make such great friends... I was jealous, childish, and I know that now... Do you forgive me?

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