Chapter 1

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Author: The Mikaelson siblings in order of the age they were when they were turned.

Finn: 25

Elijah: 24

Niklaus: 22

Kol: 20

Rebekah: 19

Athena: 17 (I know her name doesn't match her time period, but I'm just gonna say that Esther named her after one of the many Goddesses the witches on the other side told stories about.

Henrik is originally Athenas two but older by 15 minutes. So if he hadn't died he would have been 17 when he turned. This is my version of their ages, and may not be the same as the tv series, but this is what I'm basing it off of. So to conclude, Athena is the youngest.

-Athena (Thea) Mikaelson-
•Third Person

          Taking a step out of the taxi Athena takes in a deep breath. It reeks of small town. She would expect nothing less from Mystic Falls. She had come here to visit old friends. The Salvatore's, they'd become great friends in 1864. That was until her and the doppleganger Katerina ran into complications. Athena, being an original vampire, had been able to escape the humans wrath, but Katerina hadn't been as fortunate.

Athena smiles at the familiar boarding house and knocks on the door. Feet run down a flight of stairs and come to the door. It cracks open at first and then Stefan sees who it is and opens it all the way. "Athena?" He asks incredulously. He had not seen the beautiful dirty blonde for nearly two centuries, "Where have you been?"

          "You know, living life. I've been in England for the past twenty years and I finally decided I would visit one of my many old homes," She smiles and give Stefan and tight hug.

          "I would love to catch up, but my girlfriend, Elena, she was kidnapped by a few vampires. Damon and I are going right now to find her," Stefan panics. She laughs at his straight forward reply. The Salvatore's were always getting into trouble.

       "May I join? It's always good to have an ori- another vampire at your side," Athena plays off and follows Stefan into his car. She had never actually told them that she was one of the original vampires. Minutes later Damon gets in.

       "Oh, hello again Athena," Damon greets dully.

       "Damon, what a lovely surprise," Athenas thick British accent greets sourly. The two had never really clicked. Always at each others throats. Though at one point Athena had secretly like the older Salvatore brother.

        "Damon you take the first floor, I'll take the second floor,and Athena. While you are distracting them I'll grab Elena and run," Stefan plots and the girl nods her head in understanding.

           Athena listens and wait for Stefan and Damon to begin the distraction. Suddenly a voice she hadn't heard in nearly 500 years speaks. "Excuse me, to whom it may concern. You are making a grave mistake. If you think that you can beat me, you can't," Elijah Mikaelsons voice calls.

       Athena gathers her courage and nods at Stefan. He has Elena safely in his arms, and now my job is to distract Elijah. "I repeat, you cannot beat me. Now I want the girl, on the count of three, or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?"

     Athena rolls her eyes at his dramatics. Elijah was always theatrical. Taking in a deep breath she runs in circles around Elijah to throw him off his game. She would do this frequently during their first years as vampires. Suddenly she is yanked into the air by the throat and meets Elijah's cold glare. At the sight of his sister his eyes soften. "Athena?" He whispers.

        "Dear brother, would you be so kind as to release my throat," Athena chokes out.

        Setting his sister back on the ground, Elijah smiles, "Why look how you've grown." Athena glares at Elijah. Not only because of his silly joke but because even after 500 years her hatred still burned strong and bright.

       Athena glances over to find Damon sneaking up behind Elijah with a chunk of wood. Athena leaned in and whispered in her brothers ear, "Tell Niklaus I'm here and you're dead," And he is gone. Damon rammed the stake into his heart and the thick dark veins spread up his neck and face. Athena was not concerned. Very few would be foolish enough to believe any ordinary stake could kill an original.

       "Let's go," Stefan says hugging Elena. Athena notices the hurt expression on Damons face. As if he expected her to leap into his arms instead.

-Athena Mikaelson-
•First Person

        I wake up on the Salvatore's couch. "Good morning sleeping beauty," Damon greets and sits down next to me.

       "Hello to you too," I greet sarcastically.

       "So I couldn't help but overhear the little conversation that had with Elijah. Who would have thought that little miss Athena's brother was an original. That would mean...gasp! You're an original," Damon exclaims dramatically.

       I tense a bit and he seems to notice, "Don't worry, I just want to ask a few questions," Damon puts his hands in the air, "What did Elijah want with Elena?"

     "That is something I can answer," A familiar voice says. I turn to find Rosemarie standing in the doorway. She was one of many to betray my family, and she was the one who kidnapped Elena. Most likely to negotiate.

       "Please, clear the air," Damon gives Rose the stage. Elena and Stefan enter the room and sit next to us.

       "Well I've only learned things that I've heard over the years. Some may not be true, but there is one thing that I know. Klaus is real," At the sound of his name I cringe. My dearest of older brothers.

       "Who is he?" Elena asks.

       "A bloody pest. That's what he is," I say under my breath.

       "He's one of the originals. He's a legend," Damon speaks making me scoff.

     "From the first line of vampires," Stefan adds.

      "Elijah?" Elena questions.

       "No! Elijah is the Easter bunny compared to Klaus," Rose warns and I hold back a laugh.

        "Klaus is known to be the oldest," Stefan gossips.

        "Okay so the oldest Vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena asks.

        "No," Stefan says just as I say yes.

        "Look we're looking at a solid maybe," Damon cuts in giving me a glare.

        "Elijah is dead, so nobody else knows you're alive," Stefan assures. Oh how horribly wrong he is.

         "You've been awfully quiet," Damon whispers and sits back down next to me.

         "Seems like you guys have it all figured out," I say and lay back down, "No kinks or problems."

         "Look I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him. We're talk-" Damon cuts him off.

       "That's where you're wrong little brother. Someone sitting in this very room happens to have shared a bathroom with him growing up," Damon says and puts his hands on my shoulders, "Miss Athena Mikaelson."

         "You're an original?" Elena asks suddenly afraid.

           All eyes were on me.

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