Chapter 17

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            "So who's the psychopath killing everyone now? It's not Dr. Phell. No way she could take down three grown men," Damon says and I sit beside him.

            "That's very sexist Damon. A woman could easily kill a man, with the right motivation," I tsk. Stefan rolls his eyes and continues to tap on the table, "What's the matter Stefan? We were besties in the 1800's. Hell, we travelled together for nearly 50 years before we parted ways."

             "He's on a master cleanse," Damon whispers.

             "You were a lot more fun in your first year as a vampire," I tease.

             "Don't push him. He's testy when he's being self righteous," Damon rolls his eyes.

             "I'm not being self righteous Damon, I just don't find it fun slaughtering innocent humans anymore," Stefan fires back.

              "Oh I'm sorry," Damon pulls out a journal. One of Stefan's diaries to be more precise, "Dear diary, I fear Damon has lost his way. Though I am pulling my own life together, he continues to waste his," Damon reads.

             "His bitterness consumes him. He is nothing but blackness and vile. Ouch, harsh, but then again, I'm one to speak," I say and hand Stefan the diary, "If I'm being quite honest, you weren't much fun either Damon," I say.

              "I wasn't. The woman I was in love with was stuck in a tomb, and wasn't getting out for the next 100 years. I wasn't having any fun at all," He sighs. My phone buzzes and a text appears across the screen.

                Hybrid Asshat: Have you found anything else? Come back to the house.

                Bekah: Meet at the house.

               "Well as much as I'd love to watch you pathetically work out this murder investigation, I have other matter to attend to," Standing my eyes wander over to the vodka and I grab it.


                "What is it with you two and asking for me at the worst times?" I ask irritably as Nik and Rebekah sit on the couch.

                  "You've been gone nearly 4 hours. Just wanted to make sure that you didn't run off," My brother smirks and looks me in the eye, "What did you find out?"

                    "You're going to love this. Most of the milling lodges were owned by the Salvatore's in 1912 and they cut down half the trees in the nearby woods to build Mystic Falls. Now my guess is that they had records of the trees they cut down, but they're probably still in the Salvatore Boarding House."

                    "So we send Rebekah in with a mini-skirt on. Problem solved," Klaus snickers as Rebekah smacks his shoulder.

                    "I don't know Nik, Damon and Athena seem to have a little spark flying. I say we let her snoop around. Maybe go for another round?" Rebekah teases making Nik's smile drop.

                    "Absolutely not," He growls.

                    "And who are you? My father?" I snap, "I will do what I please, with whom I please. Your brotherly opinions are not wanted or needed." Nose in the air I walk upstairs and into my room, locking the door.

The Next Afternoon

                    I walk into the Salvatore's house with a sudden burst of confidence. Damon had invited me to join a party of three, with none other than Sage the skank. "I stole it from Rebekah who stole it from Nik, who stole it from a queen," I say holding up at bottle of wine.

"I have to ask, where's the party?" I walk towards the couch.

Sage grabs the bottle from my hands and pops it open, "She just arrived," She smirks and begins to dance with Damon.

I stand there awkwardly for a few moments before sitting next to the piano player. Sinking my fangs into his neck Damon stumbles over to me. Clearly he's already tipsy, "How about a duet?" He bites the pianists wrist.

We throw the dead body aside and he leans closer to me, "What about her?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"I don't want her," He brushes his lips on mine, "I want you." I smash our lips together and we create a sweet rhythm. Before I know it we're in his bedroom and I'm ripping off his shirt.

Once again I find myself in pure bliss and no thought of my family cross my mind.

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