Chapter 23

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         "What do you mean you won't serve me anymore!" I slur and grab the waiters arm.

            "You've drunk half the liquor in this bar. Go home before you get too wasted to see straight," The boy scolds and grabs the bottle of vodka from me.

             "You look like shit."

            I turn around and nearly fall onto my ass, "Thanks for the input, Tyler," I growl and begin to stumble away towards the exit.

             "Why don't you let me take you back home? Wouldn't want anyone to pull anything," Tyler explains and I cackle.

              "If you wanna have sex with me just say so. I'd probably say no. I mean don't get me wrong, you're hot, but who takes a girl back to her own house to try to get into her pants," I blabber so fast and long that I didn't realize Tyler was putting me in his car. I gasp, "That was sneaky."

            "You're too drunk to do anything about it," Tyler says and starts the car.

             "You know I have a good reason," I whip my head towards him and laugh, "My brother is up there singing with the angels," I put a hand over my heart, "Nah, he's probably sprouting a plan to kill Satan and become the next ruler of hell." I laugh out, "But I miss. He's my brother, ya know?"

               "Yes, I know," Tyler stops the car outside of the Mikaelson manor and opens my door. He puts my arm around his shoulders and helps support me on our little journey to the front door.

                  He doesn't stop there. He grabs something from his pocket and opens the big tree with it, no wait. That's a door. Haha, I'm drunk. He helps me up the stairs and to my room. That's strange, he's never been upstairs, let alone in my room. Sighing as I'm finally put into my bed he looks at me, "Are you good? Gonna wake up tomorrow and have a killer headache? Oh who am I kidding, at least you didn't sleep with anyone," Tyler says and looks at me, "Especially not Tyler Lockwood. I mean really?"

                    "What the hell are you talking about?" I mumble and slur, "The only thing I need is my brother. Oh wait, he's dead."

                      "Can you keep a secret?" Tyler asks and moves towards the door, "I'm not Tyler Lockwood," Then he leaves.


I woke up that morning with a killer headache, just like Tyler said. My brain suddenly shifts and I gasp, Tyler. I wasn't talking to Tyler last night. It was him. It had to be! He even said he wasn't Tyler. I grab out my phone and dial Tyler's number. It rings a few times before he picks up, "You sneaky son of a bitch!" I exclaim.

"Athena? How wonderful of you to call," I'm slightly surprised to hear my brothers voice, "I was just catching up with an old friend, you might know him. Tyler Lockwood?"

  "Ya, I realized. What the bloody hell is wrong with you? We were devastated! Elijah and Rebekah have fled Mystic Falls, and I've just about finished packing."

"Stop being so dramatic," My brother teases.

"Wherever you are, get over here now!" I bellow, "I thought you were gone!"

"Funny you should mention, I was on my way to find you. See a little Salvatore told me that you and Rebekah killed my doppelgänger. Is that true?"

"I've changed my mind. Don't come here. I don't feel like kicking your ass right now," I reply smoothly and he laughs.

I turn around and put my bag in my car, "Are you sure? Id love to show you how wrong you are."

"What did you expect me to do, Nik? I thought you were gone for good. You have to be able to see this from my point of view! That dopplebitch has all the vampires in this town hell bent on protecting her! If they hadn't been so focused on her, you might not have died in the first place!"

                        "Careful sister. It almost sounds like you care weather I live or die."

                          "You are hopeless. Goodbye, have a great immortal life without me. Spend forever alone, see if I care," I hang up the phone.

-Third Person-

                        As Athena started her car and drove away she thought about her life in Mystic Falls. The place where her grew up. The place her and her siblings loved and cherished. The place they were turned into vampires. She had definitely made some memories here. All of the times she'd gotten into fights with her siblings, or when they'd bond over the most heart warming things.

Yes, Athena Mikaelson was surely going to miss this quiet little town. Though she would go somewhere with far less drama and danger. Somewhere to be alone and happy. Athena Mikaelson hadn't had an off day in the past 1000 years. Between her crazy family, persistent enemies, and burning desires, the girl had not yet found her happiness. That's exactly what she was looking for at this moment. Happiness.

With that, the youngest Mikaelson sibling drove off to her happiness.

                                    The End

Author: So that was the end of the story! I know it was kinda short, but I have great news. The sequel is already in the makings! I really hope you guys enjoyed this book. Drop by my profile and look for the sequel called "The Mikaelson Bond".

Remember to comment, vote, follow, share, and keep on reading! I love you all so much, and thank you for the support!💕

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