Chapter 14

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"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. There are waiters coming around and passing champagne to everyone," My mother informs. My prayers were answered, a drink. I take it and wait patiently for her to finish the toast,"It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being apart of this spectacular evening. Cheers!" She raises her glass.

"Cheers," Everyone choruses. I drink the champagne and sigh with relief. Alcohol is truly a great escape.

I walk over to Rebekah and Kol having a fight, "I waited for you, but you changed your mind? You didn't want to kill Matt?" I look at Rebekah confused. She wanted to kill Matt?

"I changed my mind, I didn't want to ruin mothers night," She brushes off. Aw, my sister has a crush.

"Don't tell me you like this boy," Kol rolls his eyes.

"Of course not," Rebekah deflects.

"What did he do? Give you five minutes of his time? Don't be so predictable, Rebekah," Kol taunts.

"You don't have to be so rude to her Kol. As Mikaelson sisters we don't get to fall in love very often. If she says she likes Matt you leave him be. Alright?" I order and give Rebekah a pat on the back.

"Whatever you say sisters," I take Rebekah and lead her away from the party. We walk upstairs and sit in my room.

"Don't listen to Kol, he's been quite the ass lately."

"He's always been an ass. We just didn't want you to see him for the dick he is," Rebekah replies hastily.

"What are you talking about?" I ask slightly upset. Kol has always had my back, even as a child. Though that's when all of my brothers loved me.


"Ugh!" My ten year old self cries. The storm outside was raging loud, and it terrified me.

                   "What's wrong sister?" Kol asks.

                   "It's nothing," I sniffle and wipe the tear away.

                    Klaus sits on my left, Kol on my right and Elijah in front of me, "It's ok to admit that you are scared, Athena," Klaus says and hugs me.

                   "It's just a small storm, it will pass. Each storm that comes and goes proves how brave you are. Each time you get through it, and your fears will dwindle more and more," Elijah squeezes my arm.

                   "We will stay with you, until you fall asleep," Kol assures and I nod. Still shaking I lay my head on the hay pillow and shut my eyes. I didn't wake up again that night.

                     When I awoke in the morning my brothers were sound asleep on the ground next to me, and I let out a small giggle. They were so silly, sleeping on the ground to make sure I was safe. They were great brothers, and I love them. Always and forever.

-Flashback Ends-

                  "Did you just hear me?" Rebekah asks waving her hand in my face.

                     "Im sorry, what?" I snap my gaze back to her.

                       "I said that even after you told Niklaus and our brothers that you loved Benjamin, they still didn't like him. Not even Kol. It was his idea to kill him in the first place. He's responsible, not Niklaus. Not fully anyways," She looks at me with sad eyes, "I'm sorry."
                        I was about to reply when I hear yelling and someone punching another's face. We rush down the stairs and to the front door. Damon stands over Kol's body and looks at Elena, "Far be it of me to cause a problem," Damon bows and walks away.

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