Chapter 3

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•one week after seeing Katherine

           "Where are you guys going?" Stefan asks Elena and I. The Salvatore brothers have been super protective over Elena for the past week. Words gotten out that she's the last known doppelgänger and people are going to come for her. Not to mention Klaus is closer than ever.

              "School, we still need an education," Elena says.

              "We didn't make a safe house so you could leave it!" Damon says in a duh tone.

               "Relax, Elena is the safest person in Mystic Falls right now. She has me, an original, and Bonnie, who can channel enough power to kill an original," I say grabbing my backpack and coat.

                 Stefan sighs and grabs his backpack, "Wait, I'm coming."

                   We walk into Alaric's classroom and sit down. Elena grabs a flyer for the 60's dance and waves it at Stefan. He shake show head no. She frowns but turns to Bonnie and I. "I'm in, I'm so in. I need a break," I sigh dramatically and put a hand on my forehead, "But I do need a date."

                  "Me too, about the dance. I'm taking Jeremy," Bonnie says.

                 Mr. Saltzman aka Alaric walks in and sighs, "What are we learning today?" He asks, he sounds as if he truly doesn't know.

                  Dana raises her hand, "The 60's dance is coming up. So we've been going over the 60's," I hate that girl. Such a know it all.

                 "Right, the 60's. I wish there was something good I could say about the 60's, but I uh, can't. Accept for the Beatles of course. They made it bearable. What else was there? The Cuban missal thing. We walked on the moon. The watergate," I roll my eyes.

               "The watergate was the 70's," I correct and Alaric looks at me amused. It was kinda creepy.

               "Very good, Athena."

                The rest of the day went on. It was a drag, until lunch. I sit with Elena and Bonnie taking a bite out of my sandwich and sneaking sips from a blood bag. We talk about the dance, "So Athena, who's bring you to the dance?" Elena asks.

                Someone taps me on the shoulder before I can answer. It's Dana from class. Know it all Dana, "Can I help you?" I ask.

           "Ok this is going to sound freaky, but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask if either you or Elena is going to the dance tonight," Dana laughs.

               "Tell him Elena has a boyfriend, and Athena is bringing someone else," Bonnie says and I look at her. Who am I bringing?

               "At least look for him at the dance. His name is Klaus, he'll be there," Dana says and smiles.

                 I stand up so quick the table almost collapses. "Thee," Elena warns. She started using that nickname and I like it. My siblings used to call me Thee, "She's being compelled. She won't tell you anything."

               "But he wants to know if you'll save him the last dance Elena. How cute is that?" She asks and walks away.


               "We go to the dance and find him. Easy as that," Damon rubs his hands together.

               "How do you expect to get into the dance?" Elena asks.

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