Chapter 4

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         We all follow Ric down the hallway, but something doesn't seem right, "Where is Jeremy?" I ask stopping. Something really doesn't seem right.

         "Just right up here," Ric points but then stops noticing we all stopped. He begins to laugh, "I just had to get you away from that awful dance I mean the 60's an awful drag. I was more into the 20's and jazz," Alaric laughs again and looks at us.

           "Alaric are you on vervain?" Elena asks.

          "Now why would you ask me something like that?" Alaric asks.

          "You're acting really weird," Bonnie squirms and pushes Elena behind her.

           "Stop being so uptight. Let loss a little. I mean god Thea, I bet all that time with a stick up your ass was hard. He was one guy, get over it," Ric sings and smirks at me.

            I rush up to him and pin him to the wall, "What the hell kind of game are you playing at?" I snarl.

          "The disrespect, I'd imagine more love in such a monumental sibling reunion," He says. I breath out.

         "Klaus," I whisper.

         "Hey look! Someone figured it out," Klaus/Ric laughs and looks at the terrified Elena, "Don't worry love, you're not on my hit list tonight, but these two are."

          "Elena go get Stefan," I order and step away from Klaus.

            Bonnie stands beside me and glares at Klaus, "I'm going to enjoy this," She says and strikes at him. He flies across the room and lands in a heap.

           He laughs and gets back up, "Fire away Bonnie, I've got witches doing protection spells. It's gonna need to be a lot harder than that. And who's to say I won't just jump into someone else's body. Maybe Jeremy?" Klaus smirks again as Bonnie throws him into the trophy case.

           "What is your plan Niklaus? Going to make us fight you until we are dead?" I spit.

           "Maybe that's the case for Bonnie, but I've got a whole other thing for you little sister. For the betrayal," He shoots back.

           Bonnie shoots again, but it doesn't affect him. She looks at me and I vamp speed us into the cafeteria. I look her over to find blood dripping from her nose. "Bonnie you have to stop. He's not getting hurt," I plead.

            "Athena? Come on out. You've never been good at hiding, or running for that matter," Klaus says and steps into the room. I peek over the side of the cash register and see him sitting on a chair holding a knife.

            Bonnie stands up so I follow her lead, "I seemed to be doing ok for the past 500 years Niklaus," I sneer.

Bonnie twists her hand and Klaus cries out in pain. She continues to fire at him until blood is trailing down her eyes. "Bonnie, you're not going to win you need to stop," I say trying to reach over to her.

My hand is inches from her arm when I'm thrown across the room to watch the scene in front of me. Klaus is still laughing and Bonnie suddenly falls to the ground. I run over to her and begin to cry when I find no pulse. "Bonnie?" I turn to see Elena and Stefan enter the room.

There is a sharp pain in my head and I feel myself begin to loss consciousness. Elena and Stefan are too busy to see me being carried away.


               I wake up tied to a chair and frown. What the hell happened? I break the ropes off of my wrists and try to walk away, but an invisible barrier stops me. "Don't bother, it's a barrier spell to keep you in," I turn to find Alaric, but it's still Klaus possessing him.

             "Another one of your favorite tricks isn't it?" I ask bitterly.  

             "Don't look so glum. The second I'm out of this terrible hairdo we can have a proper chat," He smiles. Someone knocks on the door, "That would be my witches with my body."

             I swallow hard and watch the scene play in front of me. I almost don't notice Katerina standing next to me. "You seem calm for someone who is about to see their brother for the first time in 500 years," She frowns.

         "I fully intend on making his life a living hell the second he steps foot outside of that coffin," I clench my jaw.

         The two witches chant as Alaric/Klaus stands next to the circle, "I look forward to torturing you in my real body Katarina, and I look forward to working with you sister," He says and passes out.

         One of the witches, Malcolm I think his name was, opens the door to the coffin. He strolls out with ease and smirks at my reaction. He still looks like a bloody demon, "Miss me?"

           "Not one bit," I spit.

           "Greta, would you be a dear and release the barrier on her. I'd like to have a little chat," Klaus says eyeing me.

           She lifts her hands and chants for a few seconds before nodding at Klaus. Cautiously I step a foot out of the circle, and it works. I look at Klaus, and then to the door. I try to speed away, but he catches me and laughs, "You always were bad at playing tag."

           "You always were an ass," I say shaking out of his grip, "So you're in your old body. Good for you."

            "Indeed it is, and I have a deal to strike up with you," He paused, "I want you to help me get the ritual set up to break the curse, and in return I'll give you something you want."

              "You have nothing I want except for your life," I say and begin to walk to the door.

               "If you help me, I'll bring you to our siblings," He says. I spin around and pin him to the wall.

              "Where are they? What have you done with them?" I demand, but his smirk turns into a glare. He switches us so I'm against the wall.

               "Not how it's going to work, dear sister," He smiles at the last part.

              "What do you need me to do?"

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