Chapter 18

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I wake up to an empty bed. He left me alone in his bed. What a jerk. Somebody coughs and I look at Sages smirking figure, "Rise and shine."

"What do you want Sage?" I groan.

"I need to tell you something about the white oak," At the mention of the wood I grab her by the neck.

"What did you just say?"

"I originally came here to help Damon see what you were up to. He knows there's still white oak in Mystic Falls. He just doesn't know where. I do," She blabbers quietly.

"Well, spit it out!" I hiss.

"The wood underneath the old wickery bridge. Go before Damon gets there first."

I stop at the door, "Why are you helping me?"

"Because I know that if one of you dies, that Finns going to die too," She says sadly. Poor girl doesn't know he's on a suicide mission.

I get into my car and speed over to old wickery bridge. Using my anger and adrenaline as strength, I rip the pieces of wood from the bottom of the bridge and pile them high. Lighting a match my smile grows as the flame engulf the wood. A car screeches to a stop and Damon sighs.


"Yes. I bet you thought you were ahead of the game, but Damon, you're 20 moves too slow," I turn to walk away, "If you try anything like that again, I will not hesitate to kill you." I sulk off to the Mikaelson house.

Entering the house I smile, "We are free!" I yell. Klaus and Rebekah walk into the room.


"I burned it. The white oak wood that was attached to wickery bridge. While you two were busy mopping around, I was getting information," I say trying to mask my slight sadness and anger. I still can't believe that Damon seduced me just to get into my head.

"You're sure there isn't anymore white oak?" Klaus questions.

"Not that I saw in the book, no," I say.

"I say we go and celebrate," Rebekah cheers.

"Not so fast. We still need to find our mother, and we know the one person who knows where she is," Klaus says, "I need one of you to come with me to gather Finns blood. Who'll it be?"

Rebekah and I look at each other and she smirks. I open my mouth to protest, but she's already out the door, "Athena, thanks for volunteering, let's go." Silently cursing out Rebekah, I follow Klaus out to the car.


"Athena, quick question," Klaus says a few minutes into the car ride.

"No," I reply darkly.

"Come on, think of this as us catching up after 500 years," Klaus suggests.

"What's your question?" I ask reluctantly.

"What did you and Katrina do all those years? When did you two take a wrong turn and go separate ways? Did you tell her about all those little slips ups you had? You know, when we'd be close enough to seek you out."

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