Loving My Best Friend?! Uhhhh - Chapter 2

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Anthony didn't say much after the game. He only asked how it went with Davis. I really didn't get the reason why he was so mad about. He was going out with the looney tick of Lacey, yet I couldn't have fun with Davis?

I laid on my bed confused when I saw my bedroom door open. Anthony' s shadow cast off on my wall and I pretended to be asleep. He went to lay on the couch, then next thing he's shaking me to wake up.

"Nat!" he whispered "Wake up, I got to talk with you."

I opened my eyes and saw him bending over akwardly.

"What Tony, I'm kind of sleeping here." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry" he said after a while "I shouldn't have acted like an ass today."

I fought off the sleep that had started to take effect and sat up. Anthony laid beside me and smiled.

"Forgive me Nat?"

"Your my best friend Anthony. Of course, I love you."

Saying I love you made my throat burn as the words came out. I did love him, but as a man, not a friend.

"Thanks love. I'm just not use to to sharing you with anyone."

I laughed quietly " I'm sorry, at least this will serve as practice for when I leave."

I instantly regretted bringing the subject up. I was planning on going to go visit my grandmother in Texas, I just forgot to menchan it to him.

"Leaving, for what?" he asked.

I closed one eye, awaiting his responce "Texas"

"Are you serious! Natalie why?" he said getting up straight on the bed.

"I'm going to visit my grandmother Haley Anthony. I haven't seen her in years."

His arms went around my waist then. He was sleepy. Rolling my eyes I laid next to him and fell asleep.

Saturday mornings me and Anthony slugged around my or his house. Anthony wasn't there next to me though. I didn't pay much attention, sleep closed my eyes and I began to enjoy my large empty bed. A large sudden noise came from my kitchen and I heard Anthony slip a few curse words. I smiled as I got out of bed.

"Anthony! Really what are you doing?" I asked as I entered my kitchen from the little arched hall.

Anthony stood there, a box in one hand and a spoon in the other.

"Why are pancakes so difficult?" he asked me.

I smiled "They don't like you, they think your weird."

"How do you know?" His face formed a silly questioning expression.

"They told me in secret so shhhhh!" I placed a finger on my hushing lips and he smiled.

"You are so silly."

I smiled as I took him away from the stove. He sat willingly on the high chair and watched me.

"What are you going to do today?" I asked.

I turned towards him as I mixed the batter in a large bowl. He looked out the patio glass doors and frowned.

"I don't know, might go hang with the guys. You?"

"Going to go get my flight tickets ordered for this Thursday."

"In a hurry to leave?"

"No" I laughed "It's just that school ends Wednesday and I want to leave as soon as I can."

I would stay longer with him but we all had a line that we soon enough crossed. I was years beyond my point, I needed to get away. You would think I was use to to the feeling I got every time he was near. Yet every time it was like seeing him for the first time again. Nothing about Anthony is ordinary. He's a guy who is stubborn and yet so sweet. Nothing pulls him down from his cloud. He's my sun, and I need to change that. Hopefully this trip will help...

"Nat! Really. You need to show me this place your always drifting to, it seems like you have a lot of fun."

I looked at him and turned away quickly.


Anthony soon left, leaving me alone with my cousin Vera. She practically drooled every time she saw him, and he was always so flattered.

"He's so cute Lina! How come you haven't had that yet?" she squealed.

"Because he's just my friend Vera, I don't see him that way." I could here the falseness in my voice and I hoped she would believe me.

"I know your in love with him Natalie. It's plain as the days light. I just don't know how he doesn't notice."

I gave up and threw myself on the living room couch. She knew me too well. Of course she was a girl too and she had a better understanding.

"He's just use to to us being together that when I started talking to Davis-'' I began.

"Davis! Why do you get all the super hot guys?!'' Vera whined.

"Will you let me finish!" She nodded as she sat under my legs, placing them on her lap "Well I started talking to Davis yesterday morning and then Anthony doesn't even talk to me anymore. He says nothing all day! I was like what is his problem? So I decided to go to the game with Davis since I was already going. Then when I was in bed Anthony came to my room and asked me to apologize him. He claimed to not be use to to sharing me with others. What's that all about?! I have other friends too, he's not the only one."

Vera gave me a long look, then she looked beyond towards the door. I looked and saw Anthony leaning against it casually.

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