Loving My Best Friend?! Uhhh - Chapter 14

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Sorry I took so long but a whole lot of junk has had me in a bad mood and I didn't want to ruin the stories. But thankfully after seeing Eclipse, my good mood came back so that's why I'm here writing. I fell in love once again with Taylor Lautner. He's beyond great and wonderful. Although I want to hurt Bella really bad now LOL.

At least she does one good thing and gives him Renesmee =]


Regret is something I felt when I saw Aiden. He felt Anthony far away and it hurt him. He still wasn't told that Anthony isn't his real dad. I mean, who wants to be the one to crush his heart?

So I found myself pacing back and forth in my room, unable to shake off Aiden's hurt expressions. In a way it's my fault. Anthony spends more time with me than him now. Sure Anthony feels a connection with Aiden and loves him still. But he's said it himself, he isn't his.

Anthony came out the bathroom only in boxers, ready for bed. I still was in jeans and my favorite pink shirt.

"Maybe it would be a good idea if you spent a little more time with Aiden. You shouldn't disappear like smoke from his life." I said.

He sat on our bed and looked down "I know I shouldn't but it's easier on me."

"He's only three Anthony. You're way older. He still thinks you're his dad and it hurts him not to have you." I insisted.

Anthony stayed quiet and I sat next to him. Sometimes Anthony was too much of a coward to do things. He prefers easy ways out as if he was still five. He CAN be mature, he just has to be inspired.

"You know I love you" he said looking at me. A smile spread on his face and I couldn't help smile too.

"Yes, and I love you too. More than you know."

"Then please understand, I have a plan. I need to see if it will work." he persuaded me "And if it doesn't then I'll do whatever you want me too. I just need to try this okay?"

I nodded "I trust you"

He leaned over and embraced me. His lips felt cool and tasted minty. He must have brushed his teeth. Without much warning he had me pinned down, his smooth body over mine.......

My mother came in the room, an empty basket in her hands. Laundry day.

"Here, tell Anthony to bring it down when you're done. I need to speak with him."

She walked out just when Anthony came out the bathroom. He had the bathroom basket full of clothes, ready to dump it in the laundry basket.

"You have any idea why she wants to talk to me, or about?"

I shook my head "Nope."

"Well, I gotta get dressed then. Uh." he complained.

I laughed and went back under the covers. I felt his hands begin to feel on me and I wiggled.


He roared with laughter and kissed me forehead. I shook off the covers and saw he already had jeans on and was pulling a baby blue polo shirt on. He walked out with a mysteriously look on his face. I laid my head back down on my pillows and closed my eyes. It felt soothing to be able to just lay there.

Trees randomly began to appear and I was sure I was dreaming. The trees formed a forest, where different colorful birds filled them. I began to think it was a weird dream till I saw Anthony. He was sitting on a fallen tree, looking down the cliff where he was setting next to. I called out for him and he stood. Except he turned towards the cliff and not me.

I called out his name louder but he only turned to look at me with an apologizing glare. He looked down and began to fall way down.

The deeper he went, so did I. I could feel when the water was beginning to get to him. My air vanished and I was gasping, grasping at my throat for air.

I began to crawl my way towards the cliff. Only realizing to late where the ground ended. I fell too, deep into the dark water.

A hand pulled me up to the surface, but he wasn't as familiar as I thought. His eyes were no longer warm. They were a blood red color that froze me....

I awoke with sweat all over me. I got up, realizing that Anthony was still gone. Without much choice I took a shower. I stood there, letting the water wrinkle me as if I were an old lady. The water ran down my face and I felt a sense of unsureness. Turning the water off, I began to cry. Maybe the dream was trying to tell me something. Trying to send a message of some sort. But why did Anthony have red eyes? Did it mean....death?

I shook my head violently. Of course not. It couldn't. It didn't.

Still as I sat on my sofa, a pressure stuck to my chest made me continue to cry. It gave me a bad vibe and I couldn't shake it off. Something was wrong, but what? Had something happened to Anthony?

I ran down the stairs to realize I was alone. The TV was still on but no one was here. I grabbed the phone and dialed Anthony's cellphone. He didn't answer. I tried calling millions of times until a man answered.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hello, where's Anthony?" I asked.

"He's on the way to the hospital ma'am."

"What happened?!" I asked frantic.

"Some drunk driver pushed him into the lake. He was in bad shape when we found him. I don't know if he'll make it........."

My heart stopped. The phone slipping out of my hands. My knees went week and I fell to the ground. The lake, that was why I had dreamed him drowning. But I was drowning too?

I picked myself up and grabbed my keys. I drove on, no stops even when the light was red. No cops were around, which was strange. The hospital was a good half hour but I managed to get there quicker. Running to the emergency room, a doctor stopped me.

"Don't run young lady."

"Where is he?! Where's Anthony?!" I asked sobbing.

"The young man from the car accident?"


He lowered his head in response "I'm sorry but he just passed away."

I looked at the doctor. His black eyes looking towards his feet. I wanted to punch him to make him tell the truth.

"No! He isn't dead! Your lying to me!" I cried.

He grabbed me arms that were beginning to swing at him.

"Someone help me calm this young lady down!" he yelled.

Numerous hands were on me, pinning me down. But it was useless for my body gave up. It went limp as the truth went right in front of me. A door was open, revealing a covered bodies hand sticking out. The hand wore a familiar bracelet I had givin' Anthony before the mess with Vera. A nurse closed the door, closing the door to my life as well. I laid on the ground as the doctors looked at me. I stared at the white ceiling, black beginning to devour it. I closed my eyes as all the feeling from my body went away slowly, and painfully...................

My heart stopped. Permanently.

My mothers face was the first thing I saw, eyes rimmed red.

"Oh Natalie!" she sobbed.

I watched her hug my body. She looked up at me then, eyes full of both worry and compassion. I looked away towards the window where the sun shined and life was restarting.

"When can I leave this place?" I asked coldly.

"Today, the doctors just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine Carrol."

My moms eyes widened as she realized I called her by her real name.

"I'll go tell them the news." she said rising from the chair.

I turned back away until I heard the door close. I took in a deep breath and felt it breeze in my hollow self. I touched my chest where I should have felt my hearts beating against my fingers. Dead, it was dead. Just like Anthony.

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