Loving My Best Friend?! Uhhh - Chapter 16

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Natalie's POV


Christmas was like always, quiet. The only person who made it worth while was Aiden. Everyday his features became more like Sam's. Aiden still doesn't know the truth, no one has the guts to say anything. Nicholas was at the office, he'd stop by later to my mothers pleasure.

She was in the kitchen, setting up the table for later. I sat in my room wondering in what moment had her heart gone hard. She use to care for me more than any other mother tended to do. Always did what was best, but not anymore.

I looked out my window then at my room. A weird sensation began to make my chest feel tight. I grabbed my neck as I looked around. Everything too tidy, in place. No stain or wrinkle on anything. It's like no one was living inside this room.

Then out of the no where I felt like I was being watched. I turned quickly to the sides but no one was to be seen. I stood, walking to the window behind my bed. Foot steps were printed on the snow on the roof. Without thinking I opened the window, the cool breeze going up my nose, chilling my body. I stuck my head out.... still no one.

"Natalie!" my mother called from down stairs.

I closed my window slowly as if waiting for someone to appear.

Anthony's POV

( Yeah, he's not dead! lol Not entirely anyway)

I took one step toward the faintly familiar house, my veins going crazy like electric wires. I looked up and I saw her. She sat in her bed, very still. What was wrong?

Glancing around, I took one big leap towards the roof of the front porch. No sound came from my feet, only the small crunch from the snow. My frozen heart jumped when I saw her, my eyes falling from her state. She looked pale, an olive green. Her once so lively eyes looked down to the floor, dressed in clothing I remember fitting her good now loose on her thin fragile body.

Suddenly her head snapped up and she looked toward the window straight in front of her, wondering in her room, her thin hand wrapped around her neck.Then I saw her neck turn slightly towards me and I jumped quickly up to the very top of the house. I pressed my ear against the stiff material and closed my eyes, focusing on her.

I could hear her taking in small breathes, enough to keep her going.

"Natalie!" someone shouted.

I frowned, the voice was familiar. I just couldn't remember quiet well.

A very shiny black Camaro. A medium built man, hair blond and shaggy stepped out. Hands holding small boxes. Who's he? I thought.

I climbed down towards the back and ran quietly towards the front. I let the invisible glamour settle against me, slipping in through the door behind him. His scent was strong but unappealing.

I stopped behind him, a familiar aged woman coming to hug him. A young boy sat beside Natalie. He looked kind of like me. A rush of memories flooded my mind. Natalie wrapped around me as I wept. A babies face intertwined with it.


I stepped closer to them, but quickly took steps back. Their scent too strong, clean, very appealing. I closed my eyes focusing like I had taught myself all these years. That's the only reason I had been able to stay away from her. I needed to control myself, waiting till my new born years were gone. Still my hands trembled as I knew I had them in my reach.

I opened my eyes, my legs taking me forward. Then she smiled.

I froze in place by the beauty of it, she embraced the boy and he laughed. Her eyes were still dark, but the boy lightened them up a bit. I glared at the boy. He was giving her a reason to smile. I didn't want to hurt any of them, especially not them.

I turned towards the wall and walked through it, sparing one last glance at her.

"Anthony!" a very low whisper called. I turned to see Armando behind a bush "Where are you man?"

I ran to him "I'm here now what do you want?"

Armando's green eyes widened "Are you glamoured again? God I hate it when you hide" he complained.

I let the glamour fall and he looked at me "How is she?"


"She's still living and that's the good thing Anthony" he answered.

" I guess so, I just wish I could talk with her."

"Then do it! I didn't save you just to stay and watch her marry some other guy!"

I felt my muscles tighten "What?!"

He looked away, his hands grasping a hold of his thick hair. " I saw a vision about a month ago of her walking down the aisle with that guy who just walked in. I wasn't going to tell you because I just figured you'd get back with her"

I looked towards the house. Through the wall sized window I could see her being hugged by the blond guy. I snarled wanting to rip his throat out. Without much warning Natalie turned and my anger vanished when her eyes held mine. I didn't know what to do as she glared at me through shocked eyes. I smiled and her hand flew to her mouth. I hid behind a tree when I saw her fiance glare towards me but Natalie knew where I was, her eyes never had left mine.

"I'm going to go out for a walk, I'll be back in a few minutes" I heard her say.

"Shes coming isn't she?" Armando asked, a smile on his face.

" Yes"

Natalie's POV


I rushed out the door impatiently. The suns light reflected off the snow and I squinted my eyes. Tears began to rush down my cheeks as I stumbled through the snow. Anthony being alive didn't make sense but here I was rushing after the shadow I'd seen of him. Saying his name even in my mind cut me deep like a rusted knife. If what I saw wasn't true, then I knew I couldn't survive after this.

Then my eyes saw him, Anthony.

He walked towards me and I wiped my eyes quickly, trying to make sure what I saw was real.

"Anthony" I whispered.

It felt like acid burning its way down.

He smiled, teeth glistening like diamonds "Natalie"

I gasped, collapsing into his hold. His hands were cold and hard but very familiar. They were the sett of arms my heart so desperately pleaded for. Tears began to spill almost violently again.

Being in his arms felt like being brought back to life in an emergency room. Those electric pads making my heart jump back into the world. I leaned in and took a big whiff of his sweet scent...........

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