Loving My Best Friend?! Uhhhh - Chapter 11

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The sound of his voice drifted in my room. I opened my eyes slowly. The door was closed and I could tell he was on the phone.

"Yeah, she was easy enough." he laughed. "No, of course not. Do you think I would actually take her seriously. Natalie isn't the type to actually spend your time on Deon."

I stood up quickly. Was he really talking about me?

"Yeah, I'll leave soon. I have to wait for the bitch to wake up." pause "Okay, see you then bro."

He opened the door and his eyes widened.

"Who were you talking about?" I asked.

He messed with his phone in his hands. "A friend."

I nodded and I surprised myself by not crying. I thought I could feel them come, but my eyes only blinked in response. His hands settled on my shoulders and I shook him away. He sighed.

"Listen okay, I didn't mean anything. Its a stupid deal I -"

"Leave" I broke him off.

"Just listen"

I turned around, nothing devouring me. I felt strong, and that made me want to cry. It was stupid really, cause again Anthony came into the picture. My door creaked and then I heard my front door.

I fell to my bed speechless. I have no luck absolute with love.

"Anthony!" I screamed.

The tears fell then and I laid my head on my knees. I didn't want to love him.....but I do.

My front doors creaking noise creaked in my ear and I stood.

"Is anyone here?!" a familiar voice called.

Anthony himself.

I got up and ran down the stairs. I didn't really have any idea of how I looked, but I didn't care. He looked at me, eyes curious.

"Are you okay?!" he asked.

He rushed to my side and his arms wrapped around me. I burst into tears, my hands grabbing fist fulls of his shirt.

"Why?" I asked sobbing.

"Why what honey?" he asked.

His hand stroked my back.

"Why can't I stop loving you?"

His hand stopped and he lifted my head back up." You do?"

I laughed then began crying again "Your just so deep inside me Anthony. I can't go one day without some reminder of you. I throw everything that ever reminds me of you, yet you always get here under my skin! I tell everyone that we are done, that me and you never happened! But it's no use Anthony. They see how I break down every time you come around.I just hate the way I love you!"

I fell out of his arms and into the cold floor of my kitchen. Tears fell but I could feel a massive pressure release from inside my chest.

"What about your Jesse?" he asked.

"He never took me seriously. I was a bet."

"Son of a -"

"Anthony! Just....!" I slammed my hand on the ground and began sobbing.

"I love you too Natalie." he whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him and he embraced me with his arms. It felt natural, no effort needed. Jesse was an allusion of what I WANTED love to be. In truth....Anthony IS my definition of love in MY personal dictionary.

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