A little too quickly

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Chapter three


I woke up to something being pulled off of me. I groaned and turned over on my side. I opened my eyes and found Luke pulling off the blanket I had subconsciously pulled over me.

“Sorry, I didn’t know I had done that.” I said but he just nodded.

“I know,” He looked at me and I shivered not sure if from his gaze or the cold I was feeling, “I know you’re cold, but you can’t cover yourself, you’ll get worse.” I blushed at his caring words.

“Aw, the caveman cares.” I teased. He gave a small smile then turned serious when I groaned holding my stomach. He stepped closer.

“Are you okay?” He asked. I shook my head not being able to speak. Damn, stupid cramps. He looked troubled.

I had to force myself into a fetal position since the cramps kept coming. I felt the bed dip under me meaning that Luke had sat down when I felt a warm hand on my back. Luke started to rub my back and it felt so good that I turned over to face him. He quickly removed his hand and let it fall on his back.

“Why’d you stop, it felt good.” I said sleepily without opening my eyes, “because you turned around silly.” I opened my eyes to find him laughing. I smiled.

“So, keep going.” I grabbed his hand from his lap and put it on the first place I thought of, my head. He understood what I wanted and started to play with my hair. I sighed in content because it felt so gooood. I guess he got tired of sitting so he scooted me over and laid down on his back next to me.

Immediately I scooted closer to him and snuggled into his side laying my head on his chest. He stopped playing with my hair probably shocked at what I just did but I didn’t really care, it felt good. I groaned and his chest rumbled with a silent laugh before he started playing with my hair again.


I didn’t hear the door open or someone come in but what we do hear after a bit is, “Don’t you think this relationship is escalating a little too quickly?”

I groan and open my eyes and boom- Belle is standing there with her arms at her hips scowling at us but with a hint of humor tinting her words. The moment those words register in my brain, I shake Luke awake and he jumps up.

“Wha-what happened, are you feeling worse, what is it?” He just kept shooting out questions as he sat up on my bed. I just sat there waiting for him to stop talking, “Luke, shut up, I’m fine just that we fell asleep and Belle here just woke us up, in which I’m glad you didn’t hear what she said.” I told him.

“Oh but I did hear what she said but I blocked her out, pretty funny words you got there though Belle.” He said shooting a quick wink at her to which Belle scrunched up her face. Luke in turn laughed and rolled out of bed, leaving me with a freezing sensation.

“Why don’t you go help the guys put the food away Luke.” Belle says to Luke. He walks out not before he fires back at her, “Yes, General Belle.” With a big laugh he leaves Belle standing shocked in the middle of my room. My laughter died the moment she turns to look at me. I grin at her and blow her a kiss. She snatches it and puts it in her pocket.

“For later, now, tell me, what was he doing in your bed, cuddling with you?” I rolled my eyes but motioned her to sit down and when she did I told her everything that happened when she left.

By the end of my tale, her mouth was wide open and her eyes were shimmering with mischief.  “Wow Ama, you work fast girl.” She laughed like crazy while I just sat there glaring.

“Not funny, I don’t even see him like that, yeah he’s cute and everything but I barely even know the guy.” I told her.

“Yeah but yet, I still find you two cuddling like cute little otters.”

“Did you really just call us otters Belle?” I said. She nodded while grinning like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

“Yep, now let's go before they eat all the food oh, I forgot to ask you because I was so caught up with your romance,” I glared she smiled, “How are you feeling, cramps still there?”

“They’re still there but not as bad, believe it or not I think Luke laying down with me helped.” I said, not noticing the grin Belle wore.

We got to the kitchen and found all the food put away and the boys eating leftover pizza. I stood at the entrance of the kitchen while she went to the pantry.

“Here, I got you some chips, chocolate bars, candy, ice cream, cupcakes, some more candy, soda, tea, pizza rolls, pie and a bunch of other stuff oh and we’re making spaghetti tomorrow.” She said, I thanked her and she went to the living room but yelled out, “oh by the way, the pie is mine, don’t touch it, and boys, don’t touch her food, she gets real nasty if you do.” I turn to see the guys with their eyes wide open.

I laugh and yell back out, “Great thanks Belle, you scared the poor guys,” I turn back to the guys, “If you’re going to stick around you might as well know what's coming.” I smile sweetly and walk out of the kitchen.

I plop myself down on the sofa next to Belle and lay my head on her lap. I’m starting to fall asleep when the guys walk in and sit down on the couches. A thought popped into my head and I sat up.

“Question.” I say.

“Answer.” Kevin answers back. I playfully roll my eyes and he smiles.

“Don’t you guys have like school or work or somewhere to live?” I ask them. Belle swats my arm. “Amara!”

“Ouch! Belle why that hell did you hit me, I just asked a question, if they don’t want to answer that's fine, jesus.” I say back to Belle holding my arm away from her.

“It's fine, we’re not offended and yes we do have work and school and somewhere to live.” Justin answers. I nod.

“Mhmm, and where do you work, go to school and live?” I ask.

“Luke and I are roommates while Kevin lives in a dorm down at the Uni, he’s studying the arts.” Justin explains. Luke butts in, “I’m studying Management and I would live at the dorms but I bunked with this one,” He said pointing at Justin. Kevin rolls his eyes and switches seats to be sitting in front of us while the other two start to horse around.

“Idiots, well let's get organized here, I’m studying the arts to be a choreographer and live down at the dorms at the Uni like Justin said, Justin is studying to be a doctor and Luke is studying Administrative not management business, that kid can never get it right at times, what about you two?” Kevin finished with a smile.

“Well, I’m studying to be a Psychologist and Amara is studying actually the same thing as Luke.” Belle explains to Kevin, but when she mentioned what I was studying, Luke looked up.

“Then how come I don’t see you in any of my classes?” Luke asks.

“Maybe because you never noticed me or because I’m not in any of them.” I said shrugging not really in the mood for talking anymore, so I just leaned back and listened to them all just talk and talk and talk. I guess I fell asleep because next thing you know I’m being carried. I open my eyes and see Luke, figures, carrying me.

“Oh, you just love to carry me don’t ya?” I say laughing.

He looks down at me then away from me but says nothing. Great, you annoyed him, he’s annoyed, why did you open your big mouth. I frown at my thoughts and don’t really notice him set me down on my bed. I’m so lost in thought that I didn’t realize he was talking to me.

“Huh, sorry, what was that?” I ask since I wasn’t paying attention to him.

“I asked you how you were feeling.” He says with a small smile. Ugh, what is...no you know what, I’m not doing this, I’m not in the mood. I look at him and say exactly that.

“Not in the mood, why don’t you ask the wall, you’ll get more answers from it than from me right now.” and with that I sink into bed, bring the covers up to my chin and went to sleep.


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