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Chapter 14

Belle’s pov

I woke to the sound of a buzzing phone. My eyes were still closed but I could hear a phone buzzing against something and it annoyed me. The phone kept buzzing, I groan and covered my face with a pillow. Then I hear a laugh, a laugh I haven’t heard in years, a laugh I was hoping to never hear again. I shot up into a sitting position. Soon came in a headache along with some memories.

“You look beautiful Belle.” Thomas whispered into my ear for the millionth time . I, as always just giggled and whispered a thank you.  Thomas was quite handsome, with his chocolate hair, his soft brown eyes, his glorious full lips and his perfect jaw line. He wore a suit that made him look even finer then he already is. We danced and laughed and danced some more. I was having a wonderful time with Thomas. “Hey beauty let's go outside for a moment.” He whispered to me. I nodded and he took a hold of my hand and lead the way.

I don't know how we managed to get through all the sweaty bodies that were dancing on the dance floor but we finally made it out onto the balcony. The night was so beautiful the moon was at it's fullest and the stars shone brighter than ever. I heard Thomas clear his throat trying to get my attention. I looked over to him but frowned when I saw a worried expression on his face. “Thomas is everything okay?” My voice seemed startle him a bit as he took a deep breath. The next thing I knew his lips were on mine. For a moment I just stood there shocked, after a few seconds I finally realized what was happening, I kissed him back.

He broke our kiss and placed his forehead against mine. Something wasn't right. “Thomas is everything okay?” I asked once more. He shook his head and began to say sorry. “Thomas why are you saying sorry for?”

“I'm sorry Belle, I'm so sorry.”  I felt his voice cracked

“For what? What are you saying sorry?” I gently took hold of his face. I rubbed my thumbs against his cheeks. “If it's about the kiss, it's okay, there's no need to be sorry.” I said with a smile, I made him look at me. “It's okay.” I whispered once more. He pulled away from me, my arms dropped to the side.

“No it's not.” He said, his voice sounded different, it sounded cold. Shivers ran down my spine. A shadow of a man appeared behind him Thomas. I couldn't make out who it was. I felt a small pinch on my neck. “Ow, what the…” My vision began to blur. My legs began to weaken. What's going on? Before the darkness consumed me a blurry vision of a man appeared in front of me.

Oh my God. Tears were rolling down my cheek, one by one they left a moist and salty trail down my face. My breath was uneven. I should have known. I should have known Thomas was nothing but a lying bastard. The way he sweet talked me, it was nothing but a lie. And the kiss… How could I have been so stupid? Pain shot up my heart.

Once I got everything out I cleared my head. There's only one person who could be behind this. Castro.

I slowly turned my head to where I heard the laughter come from. I looked down to the floor, slowly I averted my eyes up. And there he was. Sitting in a chair with legs crossed. I looked up, his chest moved into a sync beat. Finally I reached his face. A face that haunted my dreams.

Castro.” I spoke his name like it was venom on my mouth. A smirk appeared on his lips.

Hola bellezza.” He said sending unwanted chills down my spine.

“Don't call me that.”

“Oh how I missed your sweet voice, bellezza.” I clenched my jaw. I got off the bed and stood right in front of him.

“I said, don't call me that.” He chuckled and stood up. He took a step towards me. I stood my ground not letting him intimidate me. But deep inside I was scared to hell. He didn’t say anything he just stood there studying every inch of my body. I just stood there under his intense gaze. I found myself doing the same to him. I studied his lips, the same ones I remember being so sweet, I studied his eyes, those greyish- green eyes I always lost myself in, his dark brown hair looked silkier and softer than ever. He looked handsome, just like the first time I met. Only he wasn’t the same.

“I told you to never come near me again.” I said looking at him hard in the eyes. He looked down, his lips grew into a small sad smile.

“You know I can’t keep away from you.” I looked at him in disbelief.

“It's been two years, you were doing perfectly well staying away.”

“I couldn’t last another day without you. Don’t you understand I need you.” He reached to touch my face but stepped back before he could. I saw the hurt in his eyes but I didn’t believe anything. Not a single drop of it.

“No, you certainly don’t need me. So cut the crap with the  “I need you “ shit. All you want is drugs, money, and power. You just want me so I can be one of your toy girls. Well guess what? That’s not gonna happen.” I didn’t realize I was stepping closer until I finished speaking. I looked at him, his face held anger. He knew I was right. He straightened himself up. “I’m not afraid of you.” My words were blunt. Showing no trace of emotion. But I’m sure my eyes betrayed me, showing that I did have fear towards him but I didn’t let that bother me. He stood there just staring at me for a while before he walked over to a small bar he had in the room.

“Did you know Thomas is quite the coward. He agreed to give you in faster than you can say dingleberry.” He poured himself a drink.

“Knowing you, you probably threatened him.” I spat out. He took a sip of his drink and raised an eyebrow at me.

“I did.” He admitted. “And I think I will hold to it. He must have thought I wouldn’t see him when he kissed you.” The mention of the kiss made me shiver in disgust.

“You will not lay a finger on him.” He laughed.

“He helped me kidnap you and you’re still defending him?” He was right Thomas did help him kidnap me and I hated him for that. But I still had a heart and I cared what happens to him. Plus if Castro kills him, his blood will not only be on his hands but on mine too.

“I don’t care. You will not touch him.” He sat back down on the chair he was sitting in earlier. He leaned all the way back, his face showing his amusement.

“Watch me.” I walked up to him and stood right infront of him.

“No. I won’t let you. Do you hear me? I won’t let you kill him!” At that Castro stood up and took a hold of my arm pulling me violently towards him.

“I will do whatever I please to do.” His face no longer held amusement, it held anger and lust. Next thing I knew I was thrown on the bed.

He crawled on top of me and placed both hands above my head and held my wrist with one of his big rough hands. Then the horror kicked in. He was going to rape me. He began kissing my neck and trailed up to my jaw and up to my lips. He pressed his lips hard onto mine. I tried turning my head away but he held it still with his free hand.

Once he had enough of my lips he trailed back down. I struggle to get out of his grip. “Please don't do this.” I whimpered. I felt hot tears roll down the corners of my eyes. In the mid of my struggling, an idea popped into my mind. I let myself loosen up hoping that if I did  he would loosen his grip on me and I would have the chance to get away. As I hoped he noticed I wasn't struggling anymore and loosened his tight grip on me but it wasn't loose enough.

I didn't know how much longer I was going to last staying calm but I wasn't giving up so quickly. Finally he let me go and sat up to unbuckle his pants. I took the chance to knee him where the sun don't shine. He crouched in pain; I pushed him making him fall off the bed and onto the floor. I quickly got off the bed and ran to the bathroom and locked it. Just as I did there was a loud bang on the door.

I stepped away my heart beating faster by the minute. I could hear Castro yelling, more like barking for me to open the door. I didn't know how long that door was going to be stable to keep me in here and that monster out there. I let myself fall to the floor, more tears fell down my cheeks. At this moment I hope to see Amara coming in and telling me everything's okay. In the mid of my crying my eyes grew tired and I fell asleep.


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