Unbeleiveble parents

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Chapter six


I haven’t had a ounce of decent sleep the past few weeks. The thing that went down with Victoria and then with Luke had me up at night. I looked over at my alarm clock and it read 5 o'clock in the fricking morning!

“Ugh,” I groaned in annoyance, getting up, I walk out to the kitchen and stand there with my hands on my hips.

“Okay Amara, you can't just stand here, you gotta do something useful.” I say, talking to myself. I walked back to my room and dug out my workout clothes from where I had stashed them a few months ago.

A couple hours later, I was sticky with sweat and ready to go back home, that run helped clear my head a bit. When I was stepping out of the stairs, pushing the door open I heard a ding indicating that I had a message.

I’m so sorry Ama, you’re gonna kill me but please don’t, I have a date today with that cute transfer student I told you about, Mike, and yeah but you’re parents called saying they were in town and well, I had to.

What is this girl blabbering on about, my parents, in town?!

I opened the door to find my parents sitting in the living room. Oh, you are so dead Belle Jensen. The door shut a bit too loud because they turned and looked at me.

“Amara, figlia, it's so good to see you darling.” My parents said.

“Mom, dad, what are you two doing here, not thats its not good to see you but this is, unexpected.” I say a bit nervous with no clue as to why but whenever my parents pay me an unexpected ‘visit’ it always turns out bad.

For example, last time they payed a visit it was to say that my brother, Martin, the one who had taken over the family business, was going to get married to some other family’s daughter to ‘tie knots in marriage, friendship and in business.’ I was happy for my brother because he looked happy but my parents have been trying to get me to get married since that day but I had managed to slip away for the past few years. Oh god please tell me they are not here for that. I prayed

They got up from their seats and walked over to hug me.

“We missed you so very much,” My dad says. Mom just nods with tears in her eyes. So, blah blah blah, all that sappy stuff with parents. I mean I love my parents but they can be a little bit over the top sometimes.

“So, how is Martin and Elisa doing, I heard that Elisa is pregnant.” I ask my mom, my dad had to go outside to the balcony to answer a phone call. Yes we have a balcony, I’ve been calling it an apartment but it's more like a penthouse apartment.

“Yes, with twins! You should see her, she’s already starting to show,I thought you would know this since it's been all over the gossip pages and the news and just about everywhere.” My mom says excitedly.

“Right, I don’t really watch the news mamma, just the usual Netflix and all, and I don’t really read gossip magazines or newspapers, they make me cringe.” I tell her. She just brushes me off, but suddenly turns to me with a huge smile on her face. Oh no.

Figlia, we love you so much but you’re 25 now and your father thinks that it's time,” I cut her off.

“Please mom, not again, you know how I feel about that-that whole arranged marriage thing, I don’t like it.” I argue but she doesn’t give up.

“I know tesoro, but you’re dad, he’s very traditional, his father arranged his marriage with me and look at how we turned out, we have two beautiful children.” She says and looks over at dad who had walked back in and sat down.

“Yes I know your love story but that won’t work for me.” I argue again.

Papa per favore, please don’t make me do this, I don’t like it, I didn’t like it when you first talked to me about it and I still won’t so please, drop it.” I said, trying to not get irritated at my parents but it was showing.

My parents looked at each other before my dad spoke up, “Mio caro, just think it over and give the guy a chance, all I’m asking is for you to just talk to him.” he asked of me, pleading with his eyes.

I sighed, “Fine, I guess I can try, but I don’t promise you anything though, if it doesn’t work out then it's done, no more of this marriage talk, not until I’m set.” I said, laying down some temporary ground rules you can say.

“Yes, that’s all we ask for, a chance, a shot as you would say.” My mom said giggling. I playfully rolled my eyes, relieved that the atmosphere wasn’t as tense anymore.

“Okay Okay, who is this guy anyways.” I asked. I gotta know who it is.

“Ivan Acosta.” My dad said with a hidden grimace, very hidden but I don’t have a blind eye to my dad's reactions or facial expressions anymore.

“No, no no no no.” I said in disbelief, standing up, my hand shot up to my head and in a rough manner ran my fingers through my hair. I can’t believe it, nope.

“Mom, is that true, is it really Ivan?” I ask my mom, she nods. I turn to my dad.

“Of all people hi-,” I choked a bit, I took a sip of the cup of water my mother handed to me, “Papa, really, the son of the man that made your like a living hell for a generous amount of years.”

Dad sighed and gestured for me to sit back down, after a minute, I say down.

Bella, please just listen, Victor Acosta apologized profoundly to your mother and I saying that he should've been working with us all along-” I held up a hand, cutting him off.

“You of all people should know how untrustworthy that man can be, imagine his son!” I tried not to yell but I was reaching my breaking point.

Tesoro, I know that it may be hard but you need to understand by the way things are going, this marriage can benefit both families.” My dad explained.

I scoffed, “Not marriage, this is nothing close to that, this is an arrangement, a life arrangement, my LIFE!” Standing up, I yelled not being able to contain myself, I was livid, I couldn’t believe it.

“ENOUGH!” My dad yelled back, standing up as well. I stayed quiet. I've heard my dad yell countless of times but never really directed as us.

“You will meet the boy and you will spend time with him, whether you like it or not, all we are asking is for you to give him a chance, let himself prove that he is not like his father was, and you will cooperate Amara.” He said, I simply nodded not looking him rather looking down at my hands that I was clenching tightly in my lap.

“Amara miele, please, you know we love you with all our hearts but we all have to make sacrifices in our life.” My mom said, she reached over to grab my hands but I quickly stood up.

“No, I can’t do this, I’m almost done with my degree and this, can’t be added back on my plate.” I said, looking at my parents. I really loved them both but this was just getting out of hand. It’s not like they’re on a time frame and need me to get married before something happens, it’s ridiculous. They nodded after a few minutes and I sat back down. We talked about other things, anything but that.


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