No babies yet

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Chapter ten


Since we've started living in Chicago, the Chicago Riverwalk had been the public place that had always held me when I would be upset or needed to cool off.

Sitting on those steps, looking out into the water somehow calmed my boiling blood. How DARE he?!! Who does he think he is walking up to us ,interrupting our conversation like ugh, this man. I thought to myself. I probably looked like a crazy person sitting here, sighing and huffing here and there. I am officially boy crazy, it's not even funny.

I stood up from my seat to go for a walk along the river when my phone rings, I see it’s Belle and as always I don’t get a word out before she starts ranting on about whatever.

“Amara Russi, I need you back home now, Luke and Ivan are going crazy asking me where you are and I keep telling them that I’m not your mother and that I don’t know where you are but they are stubbornly sitting in the living room; I called Justin for back up and the moment he saw Ivan he freaked out and they all started yelling!” She yelled through the phone before she stopped to take a breath.

“It’s not like it bothers you to have three insanely hot guys in the living room Belle, so what is it?” I say sitting back down.

“I know I know but I don’t want to be in the middle of this dog fight alone so you need to get over here now.” She said before voices drowned her out. They were all talking and yelling over each other that I just decided to end the call. I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I could tell that it was going to rain. I sighed and headed home.

Closing the door, Belle ran to me and just jumped making us fall on the floor.

“Jesus Belle, a little warning.” I groan.

“Sorry, I just, I’m so happy to see you, these kids are driving me crazy!” She says laughing. I hear one of them yell out, we’re not kids!

She gets off of me and helps me up. Luke, Ivan and Justin look at me. “We’re going to go get some food, so you three can talk peacefully.” Belle whispers and leaves, pulling Justin with her. I look over at the two guys in front of me and shake my head. I head over to one of the couches and motion to Luke and Ivan to take a seat on the couch facing me and they do.

Ivan was the first to speak, “Amara, I apologize for what happened in the Cafe earlier.” I look at him and just nod. I look over at Luke and raise and eyebrow.

“I too apologize but seeing you with him threw me off.” He says as he threw a glare at Ivan and Ivan returned it.

“But why did seeing me with Ivan bother you so much when I didn’t say a thing when I saw you out with Victoria or even that text she sent you, that I have tried so hard to forget but I just can’t, because it was right after you told me that she had nothing to do with you?” I say getting straight to the point not bothering to hide any feelings and also trying to keep my cool. He just looked off to the side.

“What I thought, but Ivan, please enlighten me on how you know Luke.” I say looking over at Ivan, pulling my legs under me.

“It’s a long story and not one I’d like to talk about but Luke here can be my guest.” Ivan said looking at Luke, but he just shook his head.

“Alright, seeing that neither of you want to talk about how you know each other, I think you should both leave.” I said getting up and they did as well.

“Oh and Ivan, I’ll let the matchmakers I have as parents know that I’ve met my so called match.” I said to Ivan and gave a small laugh when I saw the look of confusion on Luke’s face.

“Match?!?!” Luke said looking at Ivan and me, “What are you saying Amara?” He said stepping closer to me but I shook my head.

“Nothing that concerns you, I just honestly felt like getting under your skin, but no need to worry your pretty little head.” I said smirking and walked over to the door and opened it.

“Now, goodnight to the both of you.” I motioned them to get out. Reluctantly they walked out but not before Luke shot me a glare but I just returned it with a smile. Ivan stopped in front of me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, “It was nice to meet you Amara, didn’t go as planned but it was nice.” He gave me one of his killer smiles and left. I shut the door and was sitting down when it opened again. It was Belle and Justin with two bags of takeout.

“I saw them leaving, what happened?” Belle asked putting the food down. I just shook my head and threw my head back on the couch.

“I’ll just go to Luke’s, don’t want him to do anything stupid, goodnight ladies.” He said and opened the door.

“Thanks Justin, take care, both of you,” He nodded to me and Belle handed him a bag of food, “Here, for you and Luke.” Justin smiled big and winked at Belle then left with a wave. Belle turned to me with her hands on her hips, “you missy, have a lot of explaining to do.” I playfully rolled my eyes and we both dug into our food watching Supernatural.


I told her everything that happened from the moment I ran into Ivan to the cafe to where I left to now.

“So that's the guy you’re supposed to marry?!?” She says wide eyed. I nod my head and get up to clean the mess we made in the living room. She just sat there, staring at the wall.

“So you're saying you're supposed to marry the guy with blue eyes, whose name is Ivan.” Yep she's still wrapping her mind around it. I nod. “Ivan, blue eyes.” She repeated.

“Yes woman.” I say facing her, hoping she would get it. Then out of nowhere she says, “Do it.”

“What?” I ask with wide eyes.

“I said do it.” I looked at her shocked. I couldn't believe what she just said. She must have noticed my expression because then she said, “I'm not saying marry the guy, I'm just saying go for it. Date him, get to know him. Because if you don't I will.” She said, saying the last sentence mostly to herself and jamming a hand full of chips into her mouth.

“Very funny Belle Jensen.” I say shaking my head but chuckling. “And you know what, I will, I can’t keep pining over a guy who obviously has someone already.” She squealed and threw herself on me and wrapped her arms around me.

“Yes!!” She yelled then picked her head up and looked me straight in the eyes, “just no babies Amara, I’m not ready yet.” I laughed out loud, wiping tears from my eyes.

“Oh Lord Belle, what am I going to do with you.” I said standing up.

“Love me of course.” She said grinning.

“Of course.” I answered pulling her into a hug.


Sorry for taking so long here it is ~~ Author

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