Meeting Mr. Eyes

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Chapter eight


Well I’m so glad that's over with. I think to myself while I’m exiting my last class of the day. I sighed and fixed my bag strap on my shoulder when someone bumped into me and made the bag fall and with it, the papers and folders inside.

“I am so sorry.” I apologized immediately seeing that they had also dropped a folder, I squatted down and began to grab my papers, the person also squatted down and helped me pick up my things, in turn I picked up the folder they had been carrying and it accidently opened.

A cold feeling washed over my body as I saw my picture and my information, about everything on me. I quickly stood and looked up. Standing there was a fine looking guy, in a nice tailored business suit, he had a nice face with a faint mustache and a 5 o’clock shadow, light brown hair that looked so soft and eyes that could have you melting in a single look. One of his eyes was blue, while the other was half blue-half brown.

I'm gonna call him Mr. Eyes because of the eye thing he has going on.

But fortunately I’m me and he received a cold glare on my end.

“Who are you and why do you have information on me?” I questioned not hiding the fact that I was somewhat pissed. Mr. Eyes finally acknowledged me and smiled.

“Sorry about that, about the bumping into you and about the whole you seeing the folder and everything, we weren't supposed to meet like this.” he said making no sense. He noticed my confused face and cleared his throat.

Mr. Eyes holds out my papers that he had picked up, I grumbled a thank you, took them and stuffed them into the bag. I looked around and saw that people were staring and whispering but mostly staring, at the guy in front of me. I rolled my eyes and handed him his folder.

“I am very confused at the moment and feel a little nauseous since everyone has their eyes on us.” I looked around again then looked at him. He smiled at me not bothered by my continuous cold glare towards him.

“Are you suggesting we go someplace private to speak?” he said with a flirtatious smile. I again rolled my eyes and glared.

“Not private but more like the cafe here on campus so I can sit down and so you mister, can explain why in the world do you have information on me.” I said crossing my arms over my chest. I felt anxious so I let them fall back down.

He nodded and said something about telling someone or informing someone about something. He motioned to someone behind him and a guy dressed in black appeared out of nowhere. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Oh, this is Esteban my personal bodyguard.” Mr. Eyes explained and I gave a little wave to Esteban which by the way was really good looking too, and he tilted his head in return. They went back to talking, giving me a bit of time to give Mr. Eyes another once over. He was pretty cute, well hot and seemed vaguely familiar. Huh.

I was lost in thought when someone snapped their fingers in my face.

“Huh, oh it's you.” I said in a bored manner and Mr. Eyes just chuckled.

“Oh and by the way don't you ever snap your fingers at me again, I don't care if it's to get my attention, there are other ways to do that, I'm not a dog.” I said to him and went back to the whole glare at him thing. He held up his hands.

“My apologizes Amor.” my eyes widened a bit but quickly went back to the glare.

“Don't call me that.” I glared at him, big surprise.

“So, shall we go?” he motioned to the direction of the cafe. I nodded and led the way, brushing past him. His scent hit my nostrils, damn, is that Bleu de Chanel? I internally shook my head. Stop it Ama, this Mr. Eyes guy has information on you, you don't even know his name and you're wondering what cologne he uses?!  

I stopped and turned around making him stop right in front of me, almost crashing. We were standing so close that I had to pull it together and take a step back.

“What's your name because I can't keep calling you Mr. Eyes.” I said looking up at him. He grinned and it sent my mind into a frenzy. Stop. It.

“Ivan Acosta, un placer.” He said smiling and without warning grabbed my hand and kissed it.

Acosta?! No. I stared at him while he let my hand go and straightened up. His smile sending shivers down my arms.

This is the guy my parents are trying to marry me to.


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