Chapter 6

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Brendalyn entered the elevator with her head pounding and her heart beating fast. The events of the day had her mind going one thousand miles per hour.

The effect of the poll she received earlier was finally beginning to wear off, giving her awareness. The pain from her fall finally began to register in her mind. Her shoulders and legs ached along with her head. It was like her hole body was numbed earlier and she didn't even realize it!

She barely even noticed when the elevator doors slid open and someone stepped inside with her.

"How's your head?" Liam asked.

"Hurts," she replied giving him a short answer.

He nodded his head and pursed his lips together. The elevator was moving unbearably slow, they both stared at the floor number hoping the ride would be over sometime soon.

"So. . . I may have came across as a bit rude earlier. I try my best to avoid situations like this," he said breaking the silence. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I actually didn't notice," she lied.

The elevator finally stopped at the first floor and opened up. She exited and headed towards the doors before she was stopped by Liam.

"You can't go out that way," he informed her.

Her eyes locked on the door, it was completely functional. "Through the lobby?"


"But why?" she questioned impatiently. She wanted nothing more than to collapse on her bed and sleep until her college graduation.

"You're wearing Harry's clothes," he replied.

She looked down at herself and back at him. She knew it would look very bad if she strolled out of his hotel at three in the morning wearing his clothes. Especially since he had a girlfriend. . . Liam made a valid point.

"What am I supposed to do? Walk out of here naked?" she questioned.

Liam took a second to answer.

"No..." he laughed rubbing the back of his neck. "Just go through the side door or something. I doubt anyone is going to be out there."

Her eyes flickered to an exit sign at the end of the hallway and she muttered a quick 'thank you' before walking off.

"Goodbye," he called watching as she reached the door at end of the hallway and exited.

As soon as she stepped outside, her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. It was an unknown number, but something told her to answer it.


"Bren! Thank god you answered!" Angela's familiar voice cried. "I got arrested and my car got towed!"

"What did you do?!" Bren exclaimed in shock.

"I did nothing wrong! It was the stupid cop's fault for being belligerent! Now I'm stuck here on an $800 bail!"

Bren tried her best to sound sympathetic, but knowing Angela, she probably unintentionally pushed every button the cop had.

"Where's Emma?"

"I lost her in the madness, but I know she's not here. At least not yet..." Angela explained.

"How am I supposed to get home?"

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