Chapter 40

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"You need to get yourself together, Harry," Claire said picking up empty bottles scattered around his living room.

"Can you leave?" he groaned rolling over on the sofa.

"I can, but I won't," she replied. "You need a friend right now."

"You're not a friend. You just came to rub it in my face," he spat.

She took a seat on the edge of the sofa and rested her hand on his leg. He flinched away from her touch.

"I didn't come to rub anything in your face. I came to make you forget her," she explained. "When I'm finished you're not going to remember her at all."

She ran her hand up his leg to his thigh and he quickly moved giving himself massive headache.


"Come on Harry. You know you want to. I promise you'll feel so much better," she said.

"You know what'd make me feel better?" he asked; she stayed silent prepared to listen. "If everyone just left me the hell alone and let me deal with this myself."

She frowned .

"You know, I always hated her. I knew that she was going to do something like this eventually. Goldiggers," Claire scoffed.

"She's not like that," he replied defensively before biting his tongue.

Why the hell am I defending her?

"Okay..." Claire said surprised by his sudden outburst.

"I guess it's just me then. You cheated on me too," Harry replied; she smiled.

"It's not cheating unless they actually feel something for the other person," she said. "Come on Harry move on."

"I don't want to move on," he replied honestly. Claire looked at him as if he was the most pathetic thing she had ever seen.

She pulled a magazine out of her bag and slammed it on the table.

"It seems that she has moved on," she said. Harry looked down at the page.

It was a picture of Bren and Adam leaving her apartment. It was like another shot in the chest, the pained look on his face was enough to set Claire off.

"Quit being such a baby Har," she said snatching away the magazine before he could torture himself anymore. "I have a friend and her name is Brooke. I can introduce you two."

"I don't want to meet your friend."

"I'm not trying to play matchmaker. You two could just be friends--with benefits."

"No," Harry replied.

"Either you let me do this I'll come here everyday until you get over her. Which--judging by the way you're moping--will be a long time from now."


"Great! She's going to be at club 1884 tonight so you should probably shower. You smell like body odor, alcohol, and sadness."

He pushed himself off of the sofa reluctantly before heading into the guest bathroom. Claire tried to follow him but he shut the door in her face before climbing into the shower. When he got out he dried off and changed his clothes before coming back out to the living room.

"I'm sure you feel better now that you've showered. You still look like a zombie, of course, but you'll be fine," she said.

Harry looked into the mirror for the first time in two weeks. His eyes had dark spots underneath them as if they were bruised and his mouth was set in a permanent frown. He appeared as if he hadn't slept in days. Still, he ruffled his hair to make it look like he at least made an effort.

"Are you ready to go?" Claire asked when he finished failing at making himself presentable.

"Yeah," he replied grabbing his keys and following her out of the door.

When they arrived at the club there were tons of paparazzi outside. Claire grabbed his hand soaking up as much attention as possible. She waved at the cameras and leeched onto him like he was some kind of walking trophy. He was instructed to smile by some photographers but he just kept walking ignoring everyone's requests (gif).

At the entrance there was a long line, but when the bouncer saw them he pulled the velvet rope aside and smiles.

"Welcome back," he said to Claire earning a nod before she lead Harry up the stairs.

They were in a dark hallway with dim blue lighting. Harry could hear the pulsing of music coming from the main dance floor. As they walked they passed stoners and drunk girls of all types. He instantly found himself wanting to go back home.

"Harry, hurry up," Claire demanded practically dragging him along. "We had a deal."

She lead him up another dark staircase and when at the top opened a door. She stepped in and he followed her close behind. One whole side of the room was made of glass and you could see the dance floor down below. The lighting was still dim but here it was purple and you could at least see where you were going. There was a huge circular sofa in the middle of the room and a bar and a sitting area.

Claire lead him over to the bar where four other girls were sitting. When they get close enough to them she called out to one.

"Brooke," she called. A blonde girl turned around before smiling at her.

"Hey Claire," she said standing to give her a hug before looking over.

"Hi, I'm Harry," he told her holding his hand out for her to shake.

She blushed a deep red as she took his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you," she replied.

Harry looked to his side to see Claire standing there smiling like a creep. She fought the urge to roll his eyes at her as he took a seat with Brooke.

She talked and talked but mainly Harry wasn't listening to a thing she said. Instead, he admire how hot she looked. Her hair was perfectly straightened and her dress was a size too small making her boobs pop out.

"I'll go get some drinks," she suddenly interrupted walking over to the other side of the room.

Claire appeared out of thin air in front of him and gave him an ecstatic look.

"So... What do you think?"

"She's hot," was the only thing that came to his mind. He could barely hold a conversation with the girl.

"Mm. Hot, eh?"

"Yeah, but she's n--" he began before Brooke reappeared and handed him a cup.

"I'm back," she announced sitting on the couch.

Her already short dress rode up her thighs but his mind was way too far gone to even care. She began to ramble again and Harry just nodded and said 'yeah' at the appropriate times.

"What do you think?" she finally concluded gathering his attention again.

"I think that's uh great," he told her without even knowing what he was talking about.

She seemed pleased with his answer since she gave him a bright smile.

"How about we head somewhere more private?" she said smiling brightly.

"Sure," he replied. She led him down the hall and into a private room.

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