Chapter 30

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Bren's POV

One Week Later...

"Oh say it isn't so?! Harry Styles has been spotted with a new girl and it doesn't look like just a winter fling! Kiss calling yourself Mrs. Styles goodbye because the star has reportedly found "the one". The girl, who's name hasn't been released yet may be a model or an actress, we're not sure yet. All we know is that the couple has been seen together in Los Angeles, Miami, and now in London! Judging by her Twitter she's not one for the spotlight but the spotlight sure loves her. With almost 1 million Twitter followers she's slowly becoming an icon. Check out the totally fangirl worthy photos of the new couple on our website. Thanks for watching Pop Beat!"

I change the channel and bury my face deeper into Harry's chest.

"I wish they wouldn't talk about our relationship," I sigh.

"They're not saying anything bad! And it is true I am 'in love'," he says kissing my neck.

"Do they ever mind their own business?" I ask breathing in his cologne.

"No, not really," he chuckles. "It's just something you learn to live with I guess."

I wriggle out of Harry's arms and put my slippers on.

"Yeah? Well I'm not going to live with it," I reply walking over to the window.

"What are you doing?" he asks stretching his arms before sitting up to join me.

"I'm about to tell them to get out of my business," I shrug.

My gaze travels from Harry's face down to the street of photographers. Over the last week more have shown up and the more Harry comes the more people get the memo.

This is serious.

"I don't think that's a very good idea love," he replies as I open the window.

Screams erupt from the streets below and when Harry pokes his head through and waves the screams grow even louder.

"Aren't they so nice?" he asks getting back inside of the window.

I give him a stern look.

"Fine, a little annoying but still nice," he says while closing the window.

The screams become muffled but their still loud enough to hear with the TV on full blast.

Gotta love the fandom.

"There's a club I want to take you to," Harry says pulling me back onto the couch.

"Wow Harry. How romantic," I tease.

"It's not really a date. It's a party--type--thing," he says even slower than usual.

"I'm not really into the club scene," I reply.

"We met at a club," he recalls and I laugh.

"Oh the irony. Best thing that's ever happened to me happened at my least favorite place," I sigh and Harry runs his hands down my front before pausing.

"I hope that best thing is me," he says.

I pat his face.

"Sure baby, sure," I laugh before rising from the couch and putting on my heels. "Off to work."

"I'm dropping you off," he says.

"You can't or else I'm 'fired'," I reply rolling my eyes.

"Oh he said that?"

"Who are you referring to?"

"Your asshole of a boss," he states.

"Oh. Well not exactly," I lie.

"And by not exactly you mean exactly?" he chuckles.


He pulls me back on the sofa by my waist and holds me on his lap. I struggle to get out of his grasp but he won't let go. He presses his lips to my neck and I feel a sharp pain.

"Ouch Harry ow!" I groan pushing him away from my neck. "Did you just bite me?"

"In a way," he replies smiling. "But you can go to work now. I'll be here."

The place where he "bit" me still aches a bit and I take out my compact mirror before focusing on it. Sure enough a bruise is forming there and I feel the sudden urge to elbow Harry.

"Wow, well that just screams professional," I sigh giving Harry a look of disapproval.

I take out some powder from my bag and get my brush out before preparing to apply it to the area.

"Don't you dare try to cover that up," he says authoritatively.

"You sir, are trying to get me fired from my job," I sigh.

"Hell yeah I am," he replies and I can't help but to laugh.

"Whatever. Bye babe," I reply giving him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the apartment and shutting the door behind me.

I walk downstairs and out of the door and the screams get so loud my conscious is being drowned out. I try my best to move through the crowd that's caving in on me. I'm being bombarded with questions and having random phrases screamed in my direction.

"Are you and Harry dating?"
"How did you meet?"
"Can you sign this?"
"Why isn't Harry with you?"
"Where are you going?"
"Where'd you get those boots?"
"Wow, you're pretty for a--"

I try my best to keep walking and answer questions at the same time.

"Um, I don't know. I guess."
"Long story."
"Not now I'm late for work."
"He's doing--um--stuff."
"Er, to work."
"I don't know."
"Sorry what was that?"
"Thank you."

I'm barely down the street and it's been ten minutes. A few guys help me navigate through all the people and I successfully get to work after an hour of having my ear drums blasted.

I need a car.

When I make my way into the lobby some people follow me inside which completely terrifies the receptionist. She calls security and they basically drag everyone out while I make a break for the elevator. When I get to the top floor I head straight into Adam's office without even setting my things down.

"Ah! So I see you made it! Two hours late," he comments looking down at his watch. "But you made it nonetheless."

He pauses to examine me closely.

"What's that on your neck?" he asks.

"It's a bruise."

"Haha rigggghhht," he says in the most sarcastic voice I've ever heard before his face gets serious. "I don't trust him."

I can't help but to roll my eyes.

"Excuse me? I don't trust you," I snap.

He chuckles.

"Well of course you don't, but I'm not the bad guy here Bren," he replies.

"Thanks but I'd really appreciate it if you stayed out of affairs that don't require your input," I respond before taking the stack of documents off of his desk and heading to my cubicle.

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