Chapter 26

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A/N: Sorry for the super long wait I kinda suck. I attached a video of what it was like to get my life together. Enjoy the chapter.

Bren's POV

The next morning we leave Miami and board a private jet to London. Avoiding Harry proves to be quite a difficult task especially when you're stuck in a plane. Every time I see him approach me in the corner of my eye I maneuver my way through the plane and hide in the bathroom. After a while I decide the coast is clear and sit down and start talking to Louis. Harry looks at me from the other side of the plane and I try not to glance over at him. A few hours later lights from the city below come into vision and we start our descend. When we land we all get our stuff and say our goodbyes. I hug everyone and wish them a safe trip home before leaving with Liam.

When we arrive at Liam's house a young lady rushes out of the front door and wraps Liam in a huge hug. I immediately recognize her as Sophia Smith. I stand off to the side as they kiss and hug and express how much they miss each other. Watching them makes me think about the relationship I used to have. It could've gone so well, Robert and I were just like them. I want something like that again but I'll never feel the same way I did for Robert with anyone else but Harry.

I sure know how to pick 'em.

My thoughts are interrupted when Sophia wraps me in a hug.

"Wow, Bren! It's so nice to meet you! Liam told me about you and you seem so nice!" she exclaims hugging me tightly but gently.

Her kindness catches me off guard. I consider myself a fairly nice person but if my boyfriend came home from an 8 month long tour with some black chick he met in LA I wouldn't be so welcoming to said chick.

"It's nice to meet you and Liam told me about you but he didn't mention you were this amazing!" I reply hugging her back.

She laughs before breaking the hug and basically dragging me inside. She shows me my room and tells me about the apartment that she and Liam saw that I might want to stay in if I want privacy.

She talks to me about her school, Liam and London and I talk to her about my school, Robert, and Los Angeles. She seems friendly enough so I tell her about my feelings for Harry and make her swear not to tell anyone. We pinky swear like fourth graders before I excuse myself to go to bed early since I'm now 8 hours off of my typical sleeping pattern with jet lag for days.

When I lie in the bed it's soft and warm and nice. I close my eyes and I can still see Harry's flushed cheeks after we kissed the first time. I can still feel his arms wrapped around me while we slept the first night afterwards. I can still taste the mint in his mouth the second time we kissed. I fall asleep with these thoughts in my head.

I spend two whole weeks at Liam's house. On the last day of the two weeks Liam heads to the studio while Sophia has school. I found a job last weekend and I've been using that to earn money for the apartment I'm planning to rent. (Of course all of the boys had offered to help pay for it, except Harry. He's been M.I.A for the past two weeks.) I insisted on paying for myself and in order to do that I got a job at a large office a little ways from the apartment as an assistant.

On the last of the two weeks I finally (not really because all I took was my luggage and some cheese sticks) move out and into my one bedroom one bathroom flat.

This would be my first time living by myself. You'd think I'd be scared since I'm in an unfamiliar city with unfamiliar people but I can't bring myself to be. I kind of wish someone would break in so I'd have an excuse to beat someone's ass. My frustration builds up as my phone overflows with the following messages: angry ones from my dad, worried ones from my 'friends', apology ones from Robert, and awkward ones from Harry.

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