Chapter 29

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This is so amazing! I can't even explain to you guys how wonderful this makes me feel. This is probably one of the proudest moments of my life! Thank you guys so much!! Happy New Year!

Bren's POV

For the next week Matthew and I struggle to find common ground. He breaks my rules I set for him and constantly tells me 'no'. When it's finally time for him to leave I practically shove him on the plane with a quick kiss before watching the plane take off to make sure he's leaving the continent.

I kind of feel guilty for feeling relieved but the relief I feel is interrupted when I spot Robert walking towards me.

Please tell me I'm hallucinating.

"Bren, baby," he says when he's a few yards away.

My feet immediately start to move in the other direction and I hear him calling after me. I break into a full on sprint and I get tons of weird looks as I dash through the airport. So many people bump into me and I get called a few things but I keep running. I stop when I reach the exit and take a second to breathe.

"Bren, come on let's talk," he says from behind me.

Crap, I suck at running.

"Why are you here? I thought I made it clear I don't want anything to do with you," I say still breathing heavily.

"I came to see you of course," he replies ignoring the second half of my statement.

"You see me, okay? Now get your ass back on whatever plane you left and leave me the hell alone," I snap and I feel my eyes start to tear up.

"No, please don't cry," he says reaching up his hand to wipe under my eye.

I smack his hand out of the way before it comes in contact with my skin.

"Don't you fucking dare."

He drops his hand to the side.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm so so sooo sorry. I made a HUGE mistake but I love you," he says and it stings.

It stings like someone pouring peroxide, lemon juice, AND alcohol on an open wound.

"Do you think I was born yesterday? You've been saving that first 'I love you' as a last resort. I used to think you were perfect but it seems now that you have more problems than the rest of us," I sigh pushing the door open.

He follows me out of the door silently.

"I do love you," he says.

"Then act like it and leave me alone," I reply before walking towards the Porsche parked in front.

When I'm close the driver's door opens and Harry steps out of the car looking extremely pissed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asks.

"I'm here for Bren not to see your punk ass," Robert retorts.

"I don't mind finishing off what you started in LA," he says.

"Go ahead. Punch me. The only way I'm leaving is in a body bag."

"If that's what you want," Harry shrugs stepping around the car.

Robert takes a step forward and I feel like vomiting.

They're going to fight. Right here. Right now.

"Harry!" I exclaim when he clenches his fist. "It's not worth it, come on let's go."

He ignores me at first and Robert pushes him back towards the car.

"Harry please. Come on," I call again and he narrows his eyes at Robert before heading to the driver's side of the car.

"I thought you had more class than this Bren," Robert says as Harry climbs back into the driver's seat. "This guy is not worth your time."

"And you think you are?" Harry laughs as he revs the engine.

"Yes," he replies and as soon as he says that Harry slams on the acceleration making the car jump forward leaving Robert in a cloud of dust.

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