Chapter 22

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A/N: When I type dashes they turn into hyphens when saved or published. Does anyone know how I can fix that?

Bren's POV

I wake up the next morning in Harry's arms. I'm confused for a few seconds as to why I'm in his bed until the events of last night settle in. Instead of hurt and anger I feel joy and-relief.

Harry opens his green eyes and I stare back with my brown ones. He grins and I find myself smiling too.

"Good morning beautiful," he says.

I smile.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Half past eleven. Why?"

"I'm late for school," I reply.

"I can take you," he says.

"No, I have all my classes with Robert. I want to transfer schools," I explain sitting up on the bed.

"What happened between you two? I mean-you don't have to tell me but you should," he says propping himself up on his elbow.

"He's a lying cheating drug selling son of a bitch," I explain.

"What?" he asks surprised.

"Elementary my dear," I sigh patting his head.

"Wow Bren, that sucks."

"I think I would know Harry," I snap.

"So-um-what are you going to do now?" he asks staring at me.

"I have no idea; Angela is probably pissed at me and just waiting to kick me out," I reply.

"We can go get some of your stuff if you want," he says.

"Thanks Harry," I reply rising from the bed before approaching the mirror.

I try my best to fix my hair and dab some water under my eyes to look less like a raccoon.

"Ready?" he asks when I stop obsessing.

"Yeah," I answer.

We head down to the lobby and into a car waiting for us out front. Of course there are paparazzi and screaming fans but I try my best to ignore it and enter the car right before Harry. He slides into the seat next to me and waves before our driver closes the door.

"Champagne?" he asks.

"No," I laugh, "It's too early for that."

"It's never too early for champagne," he says setting the bottle back in the bucket of ice.

He slings his arms over my shoulder and my first instinct is to move but I don't. We drive all throughout town before we come to similar surroundings and I see the park in front of the house.

He explains to the driver that we'll be back down in a few minutes and leads me into the lobby. We head up into the apartment and I unlock the door turning on the lights as we move through the space. We head down stairs and Harry stops to look around.

"Nice room," he says.

"Thanks," I reply digging through my closet and stuffing my clothes into a suitcase.

"Twerking Champion, eh?" he asks and when I turn around he's holding up my sash.

"Oh-I uh-yeah..." I stutter snatching the sash from him before throwing into the closet.

"It's cute," he laughs.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I continue to pack my suitcase.

"Need help?" he asks coming close behind me.

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