Chapter 45

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Bren's POV

The next day I head to my doctor's appointment alone. Adam has to go check on the company so I take the time to go.

When I enter the empty waiting room I'm immediately called back into the room. I take my pants off and put on the hospital gown before laying back on the bed as instructed. The doctor comes in and instructs me while she looks around in that area and asks me questions.

"Have you been taking prenatal vitamins?" she asks and I nod my head as I try to ignore the uncomfortable prodding in my lower region.

"How's your back doing?" she asks.

"Fine," I reply as she continues to poke her utensils around.

"Have you noticed any changes in your breasts?" she asks and I get even more uncomfortable than I already was.

"No," I quickly reply.

"Food aversions or cravings? Morning sickness? Fatigue?" she asks putting her utensils down before taking off her gloves.

"No," I reply and she scribbles a few notes down on a piece of paper.

"And you wanted an ultrasound today?"

"Yes," I reply.

"Okay, everything's looking good. I can have it done today if you have time," she says.

"Okay that'd be great," I tell her.

"How many DVD's do you want?" she says.

"It doesn't matter," I reply and she nods before leaving the room.

About ten minutes later she comes back with a tube of gel and some weird looking tools and explains exactly how the procedure will go. She wipes the cold jelly-like stuff on my tummy and I turns everything on. An image appears on the screen and I can see the faint outline of a baby. She moves it around and the screen shows more and more.

"That's the head. That's an arm. That's the nose. Those are legs," she says pointing out things on the screen.

After the appointment I call Niall and tell him about the whole situation. He invites me to come over to show h the DVD and the pictures.

I head over to Niall's the next day to show him the pictures and the DVD. He gave me an extra key for emergencies so when I see the note on the door that says "let yourself in" I unlock it without a second thought.

"Niall!" I call but my voice echoes through the silent flat.

I lock the door behind me and walk into his foyer while looking around. It doesn't look like he's here. He usually has the TV on and there's not a sound coming from the living room.

"Niall!" I call again to no answer but this time I hear a sound.

I hear footsteps getting nearer and nearer and I don't move from my spot until the person comes into view.

Harry stops walking and just looks at me for a second. A long second. My hormones are already all over the place and when I see him I just want to cry.

"Hey," he says staring at me.

"Hey," I reply trying to keep my voice from breaking.

"What are you doing here?" he asks and I grip the pictures in my hand tighter.

His gaze shifts to my fist and the corner of his lips tug up a bit when I don't give him an answer.

"What are those?" he asks pointing at the prints in my hand.

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