Chapter 7

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It's official Brendalyn Parker is played by Lais Riberio! I also made a polyvore at ItsPrincessJoJo... Now I have an Instagram, a Pinterest, a twitter, and a polyvore dedicated to this book... It's really exhausting but I love doing this! Especially when I see people are viewing my pins and liking my posts!! Keep it up! Love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️

Harry's POV

"We can't keep going like this, Claire... I'm sorry but I think we should take a break."


"Umm Claire we both have lost interest so we should just call it off..." I say to my reflection in the mirror.


"I've found someone else and I know you have too... So let's just be happy, okay?"


I don't have time for this... I should be sleeping we have tour rehearsals later today!

I look at my phone and check the time: 3:42 am

Why am I so restless! This girl needs to get the fuck out of my head!I think as I betray myself by imagining her beautiful face and shape that goes perfectly with her milk chocolate skin tone. I go into depth by imagining her smile and how her long wavy tresses flow down her back. That's just her appearance! By her voice you can basically hear her intelligence! I've only known her for a few hours which she's been unconcious for all but 15 minutes and I'm already infatuated with everything about her.

I can't even make a move because I already have a girlfriend and if we broke off the media would be all on our asses. She's already been having an affair and management has been trying their best to cover it up and she thinks I don't know. I know she took my car to go meet her boyfriend, I know she's using me to move up in her career, I know her feelings for me have evaporated, but management insists I have a girlfriend at all times.

"I need a distraction," I whisper to myself.

I'm going to check if the boys are still up...

Not daring to go wake up Zayn I leave my suite and enter the elevator before heading to Niall's suite.

"Niall! Can I come in?" I say knocking on the door for a few minutes before swiping my key card anyways. When I enter his suite he is passed out on the couch with food everywhere and a game of soccer playing on the telly; I spot a few beer bottles on the floor and think of how much trouble he'll be in if management finds out he's been drinking in the US. Seeing as being here won't help I back out and shut the door behind me.

Niall is so carefree... No cheating girlfriends... No terrible rumors... Just him his guitar his beer and his food...I laugh to myself before going entering the elevator and heading to my second resort.

When I reach Liam's door I can hear an outro playing on the TV.

Good... He's awake...

I knock loudly on the door to make sure I'm heard. Liam hates it when people barge in so I wait for a few minutes for him to get the door. When he doesn't come I swipe my card and walk in to the pitch black room; the telly is on a black screen so I can't see much. I feel around on the wall until I find a light switch. Flipping on the light I look around the living room before my eyes settle on the couch.

I am in disbelief when I see Brendalyn wrapped in Liam's arms on the couch. I thought Brendalyn was supposed to be at home! Why would she go to Liam instead of me? And why would Liam do this to me after I told him how I felt about her?! Liam's not supposed to be the one holding her! He has a fucking girlfriend for god's sake!

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