Chapter 19

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DOUBLE UPDATE SUNDAYYYY! FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN! (Just kidding...) I already pre-wrote some chapters and they're so good and I couldn't wait weeks to post them so I'm just going to give you three chapters in two days.


Bren's POV

His eyes pierce into mine and I want to run out of the door without looking back. I stare at the ring then back at Robert then back at the ring.

"Bren I-"

"No Robert," I interrupt rising from the table.

"No what?"

"I'm not marrying you," I reply in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh, my bad. I didn't really consider how this would look on your end," he says.


"I'm not proposing-well I am-in a way... I'm just not proposing marriage," he explains.

"Umm okay?"

"This isn't going as planned," he laughs nervously.

"Never mind. Just do your thing," I reply sitting back down.

He takes a deep breath.

"Bren, you mean so much to me and I can't imagine my life without you. You're so beautiful and wonderful and kind and selfless and you're everything I could ever want in a girl. I present to you this promise ring because I promise I will be faithful and loving and truthful to you all the time and I want you to promise the same. I promise never to hurt you and I promise to be the best boyfriend I can be," he says. "Do you accept?"

"Yes," I gasp.

He slips the ring on my finger and takes my hand in his before kissing me.

We spend the rest of the night together eating and talking. He sleeps over and we spend all of Sunday together too. On Monday, I wake up wrapped in his arms. I quietly slide out of his embrace and take a shower, when I get out he's getting dressed and he looks over at me. I slip on some shorts and a tank top before joining him on the bed. He holds his arms out for me to lean into and he hugs me from behind. He sponges kisses all the way down my neck before allowing me to rise from the bed.

We head to school and go through all of our classes. Before we know it it's lunch time and we head to the dining hall and get our trays before sitting down at an empty table. We eat for a few minutes before a chair slides out next to me. I look at Robert with wide eyes.

"What the hell Brendalyn. Are you fucking serious? You still hang with this dickhead?" Harry snaps.

"What the hell," Robert groans clearly pissed off.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it," I sigh.

"No, you're not going to talk to him."

"She can make her own decisions," Harry cuts in.

"It's okay Robert. I'll be right back," I promise.

"Bren don-" he starts.

"It's okay Robert. She'll be right back," Harry says mimicking my voice.

I quickly exit the dining hall before anyone recognizes Harry beside me. We walk all the way to the parking lot and find a quiet place.

"Why are you here?" I groan. "Do you just like to ruin everything?!"

"I'm here because I have a little time off," he says smiling.

"What the hell do you want?" I snap.

"To apologize."

"For what? Trying to kill my boyfriend and send him to jail or for lying and saying you slept with me?"


"Yes-Harry, Robert is my boyfriend."

"I-I-uh didn't know."

"How could you? You haven't made an attempt to say anything to me in two weeks."

"I was angry," he says. "You just left with him and that honestly pissed me off."

"So you were jealous?" I reply smirking.

"No, he's just a dick and it made me mad how he could leave before me."

There's a brief pause.

"You were apologizing?"

"I'm sorry Bren-" he begins.

"Brendalyn," I interrupt.


"Only friends and family can call me that," I remark much to his surprise.

"Okay... Um. I'm sorry, but he was really pissing me off."

"I should've known."

"Known what?"

"That you were going to give me a half-assed apology," I snap.

"Look-I tried to apologize. I don't get why you're so mad."

"Robert might have to serve time in jail because of you."


"Fine what?"

"I won't press charges."


"I'm doing it for you."

For me?

"I don't need you to do anything for me. If you weren't such a dick then you'd do it out if the goodness of your heart."

He says nothing.

"That's what I thought," I say rolling my eyes as I start to walk in the other direction.



"Do you want to hang out? As friends?"

"No, we aren't friends."

He looks down and gives me a small smile.

"Okay, Brendalyn. If you change your mind I'm leaving on Thursday."

"I don't care," I snap walking back towards the dining hall.

I hear someone walking behind me and I spin around fully prepared to connect my foot to Harry's balls. Instead of Harry a slender girl with bright red hair is standing behind me.

"That was an intense conversation you just had," she remarks.

"Why are you in my business?" I snap.

"Chill, I just overheard the tone not the words being exchanged," she says defending herself.

"My bad," I apologize.

"It's okay. You seem pretty cool anyway," she laughs.

I don't respond.

"Do you like hip hop?" she asks.

"Umm yeah," I shrug.

"Cool, you wanna come to a concert with me and my friend Kayleen."

I look her up and down. She has an eyebrow piercing, a nose piercing, a belly button piercing and six piercings in each ear; several tattoos litter her body and her hair is the color of a stop sign.

"Sure..." I reply cautiously.

"By the way. I'm Eve," she smiles revealing a row of perfectly white teeth.

"Brendalyn," I reply smiling back.

"Great the gig is tonight. I'll pick you up then," she says giving me her number before walking away.

I head back in and finish my lunch with Robert and push the images of Harry out of my head.

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